But do either of them allow like embedded links to be shared?
But do either of them allow like embedded links to be shared?
I didn’t ask for you fucking people to argue on my god damn post, now did I? Massive reports, grow the fuck up and take your playground bullshit to shoot into the fucking sun for all I care. Reports made.
Yeah I hate that too. For me it’s always bicycles, buses or motorcycles. All the fucking time.
Then you’ve admitted that you’re a politically motivated internet troll, just by some of the responses you’ve made in this post alone. You’re just whoring for what attention you can get. You deliberately chose to misunderstand the point of an instance, asked a question that you knew was going to ruffle people and played your disingenuous offended card.
We don’t need your bullshit around here.
That is true and actually had been a thing during George W. Bush’s terms in the 2000s during the height on the War on Terror. If he and his administration thought you were a terrorist (even going as far as to criticize the then-administration), you got your citizenship revoked.
Because we’re living in an age that, I feel anyways, have forgotten why it was that things became to be after World War II.
And since the memory of World War II has faded every decade since, it has allowed dictatorship to take new forms in the modern age and was allowed to rapidly grow. We’re now facing a modern day form of dictatorship and it’s not great for anyone. America has long held the reputation that it wouldn’t ever lower itself to such standards. But, a lot of deliberately misinformed and careless Americans have allowed psychos to bring down that reputation to such standards.
Just like idiotic spam callers, these people too, should be treated as punching bags.
Give them no mercy. Tell them they are not welcomed.
I’ve heard that dumb argument a lot, being touted from GOP voters at every turn. It’s their speed-dial of an argument whenever someone props up any issue that they see wrong, usually because of something tied to GOP, is when they will bring that argument up.
No, I’m not fucking going anywhere just to appease you and your batshit ideals. I’m going to remain here and probably give you hell just because you’re simply annoyed by the fact that there are people who live and think differently than you do and you have to co-exist with that. Or don’t and you take your chances by trying to act it out so we can get all of this pent up bullshit frustration out over political differences. Whichever works.
And I want anyone in their country to stand and fight for change in their country. If you keep running away all of the time, you are letting them win and destroy what you call home and your country that you identify with.
Then it was cheered at, for some reason. Probably because the dumb thing was leaving their presence.
I can’t sleep in silence because I got idiot tenants I live around that got to make noise at night. They don’t know what volume control is.
More like it kicks on at last minute when things start not mattering.