I’m out of the loop. I tend to watch Oscar noms in theaters. Most of the ones that get streaming within the year are expensive rentals before ending up on subscription platforms.
I’m out of the loop. I tend to watch Oscar noms in theaters. Most of the ones that get streaming within the year are expensive rentals before ending up on subscription platforms.
I dunno, artificial reefs seem like decent way to reuse them. If the metal was worth salvaging seems like the would have. Maybe too labor intensive? https://ocean.si.edu/ecosystems/coral-reefs/when-wrecks-become-reefs
Learning about characteristics of any new planets: Size, temperature, chemical makeup, etc. Increases our understanding of physics or confirms our current theories. “Oh I didn’t know gas Giants could be this small!” “We’re noticing a lot more exo gas Giants then we predicted, is our measurements off? Maybe our understanding of how solar systems form is incomplete?”
This has direct impact on research on global warming or even terraforming nearby planets. And indirect impact on countless other forms of research that require a deep understanding of physics.
I say all this not to change your mind, since you seem pretty set in your ways. But more for others who might follow this thread
I was being slightly hypobolic. Because yes there are strawberries under 2000 as well. Even 800 yen is high compared to the states.
Japan also washes them. Just not all.
Don’t worry. All the savings on eggs are destroyed by 2000 yen strawberries. And rice is incredibly high right now, up about double in the last year.
You might need to go one step further and help it become sentient if Roko’s basilisk is to be believed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roko’s_basilisk
I like mullvad but they got rid of their port forwarding.
The house I grew up in just got a wired connection (fiber) in 2024. We had 3G by 2009 but the data caps and cost made it not ideal. Couldn’t even get ISDN.
Exactly, restart Project Sundial.
I always dislike this take because it pretends the US doesn’t have this exact issue. I’ve known people with less than ideal insurance who had very few doctors to pick from in-network and would take months to get an appointment.
Long wait times still happens in the US. Just like it can happen in public healthcare.
This is true for any Android app requiring Bluetooth communication, not sure about iOS. An app might be able to figure where you are at based on the Bluetooth beacons (or any wireless) devices around. Hence treating it as a location permission as well.
This has been changed starting with Android 12 where they have specific Bluetooth permissions that filter out Bluetooth beacons. But it will probably take while before apps update using the new permission
120V is the American outlet. Japan uses electric kettles just fine at 100V. I think the reason they arnt super prevalent is cultural. Not speed.
Sorry, I meant my research not yours.
True, but it depends on their country. Wasn’t brought to the UK until '94 and the US in '96. And on top of that when did they become widespread in their respective country?
Very well could be true, could be an anachronism, or could be someone who refers to all energy drinks as red bull.
But the real irony is doing this research for an ADHD meme.
Maybe stop and think that it isn’t that difficult to everyone? I don’t want to sound elitist, but people have different level of skills at video games (or anything really).
Saying no games should be hard is like saying no books should be difficult to read. To take the book analogy further, at some point after reading a lot of books you want to read more and more complex books. To say we shouldn’t have difficult books would be a disservice to those who want them.
Both easy and hard games should exist. And everything in between. Not every game needs to be played by everyone, which I think really is the issue. People feeling left out or pressured into games that aren’t their play style.
Complaining that the game is too hard , or the opposite, that the player is too bad. Both of these are the wrong approach. The best approach is “I’m not the intended audience for this game”
There’s a LAN party there every year. Seems about the best thing about it.
I inquired about why the Bustang that goes to to Colorado Springs doesn’t stop in Castle Rock. The Bustang employee heavily implied it was because Castle Rock just refuses to allow transit riders in their city. Castle Rock rather have a taxi budget for old people then do any form of public transit.