What is that from
What is that from
Just saying, this was made with premade dough in a residential oven. It was fantastic and cost about $7 total.
So many punchable faces…
I just double checked on my phone, on Android you can pin the current app, that limits access for the user to only that app. Unpinning requires you to essentially unlock the phone again. I wouldn’t hand my phone to a pig either, but if I pinned the app, it would be secure enough for a traffic stop.
I’ll do it with a lance!
Yeah, you definitely need the Adderall…
Viruses? Malware? Hackers?
Who said anything about resumes built with AI? Certainly not me.
That’s why you use an LLM to generate it
Generating BS cover letters is one of the few good uses I’ve found for chat gpt
Looks like lefty assumed the position. They’re ready to BONE!
It’s pronounced bouquet!
Building more is necessary if the available housing is not located where appropriate employment is located. Thus, the gross number of available homes isn’t a good metric to use for determining the actual need for new construction.
Are we both talking about the same drought stricken state where it never rains?
Yeah, those thicker ones are considered reusable, and therefore are exempt from the single-use plastic bag ban. This legislation closes that loophole.
Paper bags will still be allowed. How will this end grocery delivery?
“Be the change you wish to see in the world”