Not so glum, chum
Not so glum, chum
It’s worse than I imagined, thank you.
Oooo. Now that’s something to try.
Fun! How pious of them.
I don’t get yours…
Wow, that’s a very passive aggressive reaction. I enjoyed a lot.
Why don’t people just copy how the Dutch mark their bicycle paths, I always wonder?
I’m happy with Pipepipe myself, it’s on the izzyondroid F-droid repo.
It’s all about projecting strength, especially towards women, bonus points if they’re not white.
What recent event do you mean?
But… What else would a modifier on a letter signify?
I mean, you can have taste in clothing, too. Not sure if this is really a wrong turn of phrase.
Right you are. But at what price?
Don’t you mean between voice and in?
Hoo boy there’s a little tidbit I’d rather not know
It’s the gesture that counts, surely
Or better yet, start using the US-international keyboard layout. You press the accent you want (', `, ", ~, …) and the letter you want it on, and boom. Writing normal versions of those symbols requires a space after writing them, but that’s easy to get used to.
It’s pretty much the default setting in the Netherlands.
Yes, it’s quite fun actually! In fact it motivated me to look for more manga around Linux like it, but googling for a Linux themed manga doesn’t even find this one, let alone others 😞
Edit: well, I did find the right search terms to find this one eventually, but there’s not really anything else like it that I can find. Shame, I really like it. This mix of real-world practical Linux things and manga really hits the spot for me, as it turns out.
Wow this caused my feeling of submersion to skyrocket