What’s her thing anyway? Catfishing?
What’s her thing anyway? Catfishing?
This was all pretty unrelatable. Makes me wonder if the author has ever studied how these methods are supposed to work.
Would be easier to give “support and understanding” if they actually explained why they didn’t reimplement it in the new “experience”.
I mean it’s pretty clear from the texts that he was resurrected and lives on forever. Most Christians seem to agree that he now hangs around like a ghost and helps you do stuff like play baseball or get a promotion. The thing that rubs me the wrong way about this story is: why isn’t he helping every baseball player equally? Obviously some are winning and some aren’t, and presumably that’s because Jesus is helping some people more than others.
Everybody prays they will win the war, but Jesus is helping one side kill more people.
I buy most of my music from Qobuz or Bandcamp. Perfectly DRM-free with lossless compression, and it’s mine forever.
He means that he doesn’t appreciate how things are going in the US in 2025.
Ring ding ding daa baa
Baa aramba baa bom baa barooumba
“Yes officer, this comment right here”
I got the Pixel 9P for this reason. It’s actually notably smaller than the previous models.
Astrology daughter might have her heart in the right place but she’s still stupid, and her prejudiced woo-woo beliefs are going to end up hurting people and society.
If ChatGPT was applying for the job:
Thought about body made of lip skin for 7 seconds
Lip skin is extremely thin, lacks most sweat glands and hair follicles, and has capillaries near the surface. If your entire body were covered with lip skin, you’d lose much of your normal protective barrier. You’d be extremely vulnerable to dehydration, temperature changes, and infections, and your skin would likely dry and crack constantly without constant moisturizing. You’d also appear reddish or pinkish all over, and physical contact could be painfully sensitive. Overall, such a condition would be debilitating and practically unlivable.
The good thing that will come of this is that Mark will understand why they should never spend time with his dad again
I would make quadruple sure that Mark has no traces of that part of the gene pool
I’m Swedish. I just assumed everyone else was American. This story seemed to be par for the course.
Let me guess: the dad is a republican
But by including that you imply that there is a causality relationship. You didn’t share his hair color even though that would also be more descriptive.
It’s more like we are on both paths at the same time.
ThinkPad is a work tool. MacBook is a fashion statement.