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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I find vertical tabs to be more useful specifically when I have more tabs. Currently using vertical tabs on Vivaldi and I can see 28 and a half tabs without scrolling, which is pretty alright if you’re asking me. And Workspaces are quite helpful for the same reason.

    For anyone curious, I currently have 2 workspaces at 8 tabs, 1 at 20, 1 at 25 and one at 82, which comes up to 143 tabs , plus 1 more tab in the default Workspace Vivaldi creates, coming up to 144 tabs.

  • I actually forgot the /s. And I guess I wasn’t clear enough. This is less than a drop in the pool for them. An image build that takes them around 15 mins including setting up the VM for the build, takes me around the same time on a machine with a 6-core Ryzen 5 at 2.375GHz, with 8GB RAM. So because they’re running it on their high end hardware and it still takes that long, they aren’t allocating that many resources to the VM, meaning that it costs them basically nothing.

    TLDR: If any of this was a cost that had any significance to their bottom line, it would have been restricted and/or monetised.

  • I know 2 people have already said it, but NixOS is in very desparate need of documentation. It’s so immensely difficult and at a certain point the learning curve feels more like a vertical line than a curve, so that’s my top pick.

    Other than that, I recently tried a project called Bluebuild and its docs are very incomplete (also the project doesn’t work for me but that’s another topic).

    In fact, the topics of packaging software and creating (custom) live isos are both very underdocumented in general.

    So packaging for deb and rpm is also quite difficult to find good and easy to follow docs and guides for.