Looking at my guitar, 3d printer, drawing notebooks, balls of yarn, flute and god knows what else I have buried in my many junk drawers…
Every one of them came with that feeling….
I feel like having a little cry right now 😭
Scatterbrained and friendly optimist. Always happy to give my (unasked for) opinion :)
Pardon my rambling and broken English, I know I often sound like an alien trying to impersonate a human being.
Looking at my guitar, 3d printer, drawing notebooks, balls of yarn, flute and god knows what else I have buried in my many junk drawers…
Every one of them came with that feeling….
I feel like having a little cry right now 😭
A still from the badger badger badger song.
One of the most persistent ear worms ever made :)
I needed a new one, the old one was worn out :)
I did the thing yesterday. It wasn’t my intention, and it was kind of incidental , but I’m so glad I did it in the end.
I can definitely recommend, just do the thing, you’ll thank yourself later.
It’s… *bellows in best matron voice* Richaaaard!
Pff, that’s clearly a frog 🙄
Though a frog is called a kikker, which is kind of funny I suppose :)
Something I like about the language is the homonyms.
Like pad means both toad and path, but then you have a voetpad (foot path/ foot toad), fietspad(cycling path/ bicycle toad) or a zebrapad (zebra crossing/ zebra toad).
The latter ones don’t exist, just to be clear :)
I hate stinging nettles so much… They’re always the first to pop up in spring and ruin an otherwise nice walk in the forest.
A slipknot works great! It’s done in a second and easily undone as well.
This looks strangely wholesome to me. So nice to see him have a friend
In Dutch it’s whey-whey-whey.
I still remember when companies started mentioning their websites in commercials.
It was one big torrent of whey-whey-wheys.
Happy Birthday!
Sorry to hear about your birthday money, I hope you’ll still get to have nice day in spite of it!
What did this cat DO?!
Caught stealing a fish in Thailand (I‘m guessing), and then extradited to the US?
They must want him pretty bad.
“The planet Arrakis, known as Dune”
My very first experience with a sound card was watching the Dune 2 intro on my dad’s friend’s computer. I was so amazed, I just sat in awe as that intro movie played.
On the drive home I tried to remember if what I heard was real, and I just couldn’t imagine it. When I tried to recall what I saw and heard, I could only imagine hearing that tinny internal speaker making bleeps and bloops instead of the actual sounds. It just seemed so unreal at the time that I could not recall what I had heard only a few hours earlier :)
On a side note, I don’t think any studio in the nineties made as memorable tunes and sounds as Westwood did. There was always something enchanting about them. Dune 2, the Kyrandia games, they all had excellent music that really played into the strengths of what was available back then.
Of course I’m talking with pink tinted nostalgia goggles, but still… good memories :)
Yes, I remember these! Countdown And Tex Murphy: The Martian Memorandum come to mind. I remember being amazed at the sounds suddenly coming out of our internal computer speaker. It even had something close to speech!
The manual also came with some info on making the sound even better using some alligator clips, but that went waaaay over my little head at the time :)
I’m a happy OpenSUSE user, but is there a mrs. Chad I can be instead? :)