Spending your time making money for some company in order to buy things that have been shoved in your face as needs while also spending money on the commodification of actual needs is more of a mental disorder than trying to live small.
Spending your time making money for some company in order to buy things that have been shoved in your face as needs while also spending money on the commodification of actual needs is more of a mental disorder than trying to live small.
I’m tired of people like you. You have the critical thinking skills of a white, 50+year old American man. But what else should I expect from a product and not a human.
Hmm I wonder how the people in the little mid huts manage to live without bills, debts, mortgages, streaming services, Walmart… But yeah… You keep doing exactly what you’re supposed to do and we’ll both watch it all burn.
Oh sure. If you gauge success by the definition provided by capitalism then yeah, being more like a sociopath is beneficial.
Direct communication isn’t your strong suit.
You should print this out on a Cricut and throw it up on Etsy as a digital product for a nice secondary passive income stream…
I’m 43. I grew up poor in the south. I’ve been watching this happen my entire life. Those of you that think this can somehow be fixed, you’re where I was 20 years ago. Talks of change and revolution and power in the hands of the people has been around for about as long as “we the people” have. We’re to comfortable, by design, in our misery and outrage. We will not give up our meager comforts to show the people in power we’re tired of it. The revolutionist mindset is fostered by the ruling class, knowing full well we’re all too complacent, afraid and just comfortable with it all to challenge their rule.
There will be no revolution.
Bullshit. Contraception begins at impure thoughts!
Alright you answered my question. I hope you find some peace though.
That’s true, but you come off as perpetually annoyed in your replies.
Are you this ornery off the Internet?
Alright then what do “we” do to fix the problem?
I’m gonna have to disagree. When we’re able to give these sociopaths something to fear you’ll see change happen. Nothing else will work but violent revolution.
I feel kinda bad reading this reply because you’re trying so hard to be a good worker in a system that has literally indoctrinated you into being a good worker when the point of the meme is to not worry.
As long as you don’t own the hardware your data is at risk. I know you don’t like the idea of self hosting because XYZ, but it’s the only way forward. There are no good companies.