I get it and I don’t disagree, but- Well, I for one wouldn’t mind some radical change. Just not in the direction that it is going right now. Radical in itself is nothing bad, when the status quo is as bad as it is.
I get it and I don’t disagree, but- Well, I for one wouldn’t mind some radical change. Just not in the direction that it is going right now. Radical in itself is nothing bad, when the status quo is as bad as it is.
They’re clearly destabilizing the countries integrity by checks notes vandalizing cars! Property damage is obviously much worse than actual violence, so long as the property is expensive enough. /s
I mean, I was super curious what Sanders could’ve done if he had the chance. Instead, we got the opposite experiment.
If democrats in the US vote for stuff like Biden, then they’re not voting for any radical change. Trump isn’t comparable to that.
This. A lot of the earth doesn’t look like this. And a lot of normal jobs are actively making it worse. Like, unfortunately you don’t need to work for Nestle to be a part of that.
I’m not blaming any minimum wage worker at Amazon or retail or in factories of course. They got no choice. We live in a system where unemployment is ultimately better for the planet than a significant portion of jobs.
Probably, but I’d only believe that there is really nothing to be done once I see someone actually left-leaning attempt everything in their toolbox.
I believe Sanders would have tried to change as much as possible in the US. I also believe that he would have failed regarding a lot of things. Would have really liked to see him try though.