“16 years of paving the way for Plasma”.
There, fixed that for you.
I have peepee doodoo caca brains.
“16 years of paving the way for Plasma”.
There, fixed that for you.
Huh, I guess you’re getting to them then with your massive winging. Guess you’ll get your Rube Goldberg desktop you want and still complain.
“most very useful”.
List. Tell me which ones.
Oh noes! Design spec?!? :( STANDARDS AND ETHICS?!?! No! I Want you to install my halfass, broken solution instead of waiting for a proper solution to come along! I’m such a special boy and know coding better than you! HOW DARE YOU HAVE PLANS!! /s
Like some of you are buffoons and need to go use something like Plasma instead. I love Plasma, not pushing that down, it’s just that if you don’t know the modus operandi of GNOME in 2024 already, you might as well give up trying.
At the very least give up complaining. You wouldn’t have Wayland if it weren’t for WONTFIX, ya daft cunts.
Is… is this the comeback of WYSIWYGs?
haha java is terrible, mostly because of who owns it.
Also some anti-zionism, which is okay.
Let’s repeat that again:
Sing it with me now!
Isreal’s a bitch~
…NixOS is the new Arch Linux. Change my mind.
Well, it’s hard to tell liberals and conservatives apart, mostly because liberalism isn’t left wing, but actually slightly right from centre, and both liberalism and conservativism share some similarities.
This is what McCarthyism did. It’s the great goal post mover.
Honey, the door is locked shut. We’ll need to call the superintendent to come help us out, so I don’t think you’re going to reach that Taylor Swift concert.
Both are great projects really, and big projects at that - big stacks, lots of moving parts.
Whereas GNOME tries to be more uniform, Plasma tries to be more bespoke.
I don’t care which one you use, really. I just love GNOME design principles and it’s desktop paradigm.
Is GNOME a perfect project? No. But when these troglodytes crawl out of their discord servers, I just can’t help but be infuriated by their pure malice and ignorance.
So fuck em. I’m done with this thread.
You have a nice day now, y’hear?