Well, makes kinda sense, “killing animals” is near the bottom of the list of any women I know ;)
I chuckled :)
Starch in tomatoes? 🤔
Obligatory visualization: https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/
Pretty simple: Pretending to deliver the latest tech for a premium price. But the non-pro models simply don’t have the latest tech, but they do have the premium price. And Apple practices upselling like no other (I mean, look at those storage upgrade prices).
LPT: Don’t give queues that can be severely misunderstood, just fucking ask what you want to know.
I have a feeling that this dude is jacking off to his own tit in the mirror.
We did this with Resident Evil and Silent Hill. One dude was playing, the others watched it like an interactive movie, giving hints and suggestions. It was so great.
But in practical usability
I like Signal, but I really miss multi device support. Same issue with Threema.
36kg, around 1000€
Sweet entropy!