My PTO is earned. I’ll use it when I please.
My PTO is earned. I’ll use it when I please.
I eventually found it by coincidence - my local public radio station played it. In cold blood by Alt-J. I was never gonna find it. I don’t even really like the song, it just bothered me that I couldn’t name it. Support public radio.
Also happens in Fort Worth where everyone is playing cowboy. How am I supposed to remember which hat dad wore this time?
What bothers me most is all the hats block the view of the stage!
People in my house have had cold symptoms for a month, so it does feel like rot girl winter
My go-to staying is “we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it”
Is this related to Costco cracking down on memberships?
Looks like Grandpa is getting ready for a lemon party! 🥳
Home depot has very affordable delivery. Still a pain to create your order online, with how their distribution works.
That’s great, but it should still be possible and well documented for people to run things natively. Some people want less bloat for technical reasons (maintaining a product with very little storage or memory). Tinycore Linux is my go-to example of the benefit of keeping things lightweight for a purpose.
Lots of sweat will also do that. Certain types/brands/mixes of chlorine (tablets) are worse than others.
I used to pride myself in Linux uptime on my desktop. Went without rebooting for months at a time. Back then, I wouldn’t let myself dual boot
What did I miss?
Pretty good Christmas card, tbh
Maybe Intel should boot using the embedded x86 in the chipset when the CPU dies in 13th/14th gen. CPU optional.
If it’s your flag, do what you want. If it’s a flag owned by another person, you should ask for permission
This is better than what they may have wanted
Nope, but I don’t have to fake a death to take a couple days.