This 100%. I’ve worked in some sort of IT all my life. It took what I loved and turned it into a job.
I am Stine. Comfort the afflicted. Afflict the comfortable. High School Wrestler™. Can usually correctly use the past tense in French. Suffers from clinical depression. on Mastodon.
This 100%. I’ve worked in some sort of IT all my life. It took what I loved and turned it into a job.
Yeah people are going to love it when their tax refunds take 4 months to hit their bank account instead of 10 days.
Not sure if you’re asking for advice, but if appeals to reason doesn’t work “I’m your fucking parent and you’re going to do it or you’re grounded until you do” should work nicely.
Not the OP, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I do think it’s a little odd given that the security is at the client and not in the protocol. As others have mentioned already, if you use, you can see the posts anyway.
I literally yell “fuck you” at my alarm from time to time.
From a hillbilly from rural Ohio, the DC Metro is magic. Truly. I was in awe of it.
Yes, but no one can get fabulously rich off this.
I’m shocked (haha pun) that it still worked but it did.
Also the cord from the power supply to the outlet ran next to the sink.
Pfft. I have trazodone.
I was once so broke that I couldn’t afford a case for a computer I had.
So I brought my computer to a LAN in a trash bag and set it up on the host’s electric stove.
Great uncle had the toilet but also an overhead shower directly above a drain. Right next to the toilet, of course. The floor wasn’t even angled to the drain. He used a mop to push the water to the drain.
Yeah it was hilarious when Intel did it.
The sentiment is appreciated, but this is fake. It’s taken from when Intel’s price tanked and they put out that Tweet.
Always Be Closing
This is top level enshittification. You’re showing the user an ad that is, as OP says, the opposite of what they want, and then charging Truth Social for the impression. Magnificent!
Pretty much. They’ve made some changes but it’s unclear if has changed enough to not be able to federate.
What a coincidence! I’m the fediverse dude!