“If people say edge is bad they should consider thinking about your windows 11 os lol”
“If people say edge is bad they should consider thinking about your windows 11 os lol”
You do you, but it’s better if everyone donates a bit of money to a lot of projects than donating a ton of money to a single project. It’s not like a single individual with a normal salary could fund a project alone anyways.
Let’s suppose that 10 people have 10 dollars to give each, and there are 4 projects which they all use: Project A is the most important for 7 people, so they recieve $70. Then comes project B with $20 and C with $10. Project D gets no donations.
But if we ponderate them by average importance it would be: A=0.5, B=0.3, C=0.15 and D=0.05. If they had split their donations, the allocation of funding would have been way more efficient.
I mean, those are valid concerns. Most messaging apps require a server to be running at all times. If there is only one centralized server, costs will start to pile up, so they’ll need a way to make money; either by asking for donations, making a paid tier or by selling your data.
I had no idea. Thanks for telling me! In that case, im going to try to use the ones from IzzyOnDroid if avaliable
Edit: According to their docs, they do take some special security measures and I couldn’t find a case of an app offered on FDroid which had malware.
The closest to that would be Codeberg. It’s a nice initiative, and some big projects like LibreWolf are already using it.
I personally like F-Droid’s vetting process. It’s true that updates always arrive a few days later, but you can be sure they don’t contain any malicious code. Furthermore, they specify all of the antifeatures a program has, which makes it easier to avoid them. If you want faster updates, you can always download a program through Obtanium.
Damn, these are some pretty great news. I block third party cookies by default on uBlock Origin anyway, but sometimes you have no choice but to enable them for the website to function. I’m glad Mozilla is implementing this.
Eylenburgh’s tech website has a guide on how to buy monero, although I haven’t tried it myself