Robertson is tapered, so you just have to hit the hole somewhat and it’ll guide itself in real easy. Torx is fickle to line up and orientate.
Robertson is tapered, so you just have to hit the hole somewhat and it’ll guide itself in real easy. Torx is fickle to line up and orientate.
Never had or seen a stripped Robertson, they are robust AF. Don’t ask me the physics. (They go deep into the screw head because of the simple shape, maybe that has part of it. And they are tapered, it’s not just a square, so they manage to grip the bit like a mofo. You don’t cam out of a Robertson.)
They strip like a mf.
Gamers and sailors: strong feelings about pirating.
Gamers and wine connoisseurs: lack of fine motor control being bad for business.
Sailors and wine connoisseurs: drunks.
They’re probably just happy they’re not being bombed. (Anything fall on them?)
Who are you kidding you don’t know morse code.
I have to sit at home and watch TV??? The horror!
Piers Morgan, famous conservative, on how you have to sit on your ass
Ooo just this morning. He woke up angry.
She had to get that “fired” line in. She knew that would get under his skin.
Oh that guy’s definitely falling out a window. With socks, or else it’s gay.
What’s the text say?
Snap, lose it. Fake him with the mic, idiot goes for it. Right cross to the sterum. Ever since I’ve been the champ.
DJI FlyCart 30
I can’t ever take the word perilous seriously.
Pretty cool, worth the watch. They don’t show the size very well, with arms folded in fits in the back of a pickup. 30 kg with one battery, 40 kg with 2 batteries, hot swap battery, 16 km range, 20 m/s (72 km/h), 6000 m ceiling, record and repeat flight paths.
Looks like they think the chinese delivery market will be huge.
My comparison is that the metric system is like color vision. It’s like colors for traffic lights, but USC people insist it’s fine memorizing which light is which location. In metric you just see the world in a way USC can’t, but USC people insist they’re just fine.
You can see the texture of a wall from hundreds of yards away? You have better vision than I do Legolas.
Like how close do you have to get before you can even see that it’s rough? Brutalism can be seen the second you see the building.
“It’s not brutalism, it’s concrete expressionism!” Or some shit like that.
I can only think they thought it looked good from a distance, which it still doesn’t but from making a little model it can seem clean and all that.
Eh that doesn’t look so bad.
I guess thank you for finally filling me in on what was going on with sharks and batteries.
Comes outta fucking ground.