This is almost guaranteed to be used to deny minorities a position.
This is almost guaranteed to be used to deny minorities a position.
He didn’t say what he made in 18 months. He might just sell Santa themed toilet seat covers during the holidays and isn’t aware of how to advertise.
The Shitposting argument style is the disruption in online conversations, usually of significant issues of discourse such as political and social issues, by making proofless and inflammatory claims that derail the conversation. The arguments are just reasonable enough that they come across as genuine beliefs and move the conversation to an irrelevant discussion.
Shitposting is just the new name for trolling after trolling was changed to mean online bullying.
They want to be angry.
Even educated people are vulnerable to misinformation on topics for which they are not experts, and propaganda is a numbers game. Socialism is a better scaling economic system because it basically creates a lot of small communities (workers who own the company). Democracy scales better than anarchy because it creates a system for the decision making of anarchy that wouldn’t be possible for more than a few hundred people. Both also have downsides, but handle scaling issues better than the other options.
They won’t be able to provide any larger than a few hundred people because those systems are extremely vulnerable to malicious actors.
Communism and anarchy work for small groups where people know and trust each other and are able to compromise.
Gotta know what you are doing to get the butt cheek marks right.
It’s never lupus!
It is a calendar that shows the repeating cycle of the world’s destruction and rebirth each time the milk runs out.
Yelp, huge red flag.
Disliking a suit and tie isn’t some revelation to “normies”. You are not a radical for thinking that. In fact, all the little things that annoy you probably annoy other people too.
So why do we need to go along with it?
Imagine how many things that you have to do that only exist because of ridiculous social expectations on what someone else thinks is important.
Being different in a way that would work if conformity was less important shouldn’t be a disability.
You have sunk my battleship!
She died in battle, so discount Valhalla?
You are thinking of Lorena Bobbitt.
That was my first thought too! This meme is about the dumbass who go herself shot during the failed Jan 6th coup.
Calm down Satan.
“Summarize these terms and conditions to a paragraph of no more than 50 words.”
Yeah, memes run into the ground are the best memes. They wrap back around to being funny again.
This needs some role playing decisions added to be a role playing game. Like adding a first step of the player choosing something that has a small chance of adding +1 to a category and then doing the listed tables if it isn’t successful.
It has what plants crave!