!remindme 12years
abstract shape in bio
!remindme 12years
yea this is probably the most annoying issue i’ve had on Arch. every time there’s a new version of Python, you’ll need to reinstall some python packages, usually the AUR stuff.
* fingerguns
perhaps not as automated as you’d like it to be, but i recently made a Bash tool for this purpose:
instead of rewriting the whole thing each time, I store a selection of “snippets” which detail a particular skill or a background, and then compile a bunch of relevant ones together into a markdown resume, which can later be processed into HTML or PDF.
even all of that hype about memory safety and borrow checker you keep hearing aside, the actual coolest thing about Rust is how it does Traits instead of classes and that you can bind arbitrary data to enums
no, you read that correctly, theres currently 2 billion people in the US prisons :p
you might wanna consider touching grass
Was under the impression that most anarchists are aware that voting is still important. like it or not, we are still citizens of some state for the time being, but we can use that to promote useful change or to exercise damage control, as part of the overall praxis arsenal. especially with some organization within your local groups, it can be a good tool.
ever been on hexbear, or grad?
far as I’ve heard, Mint can be iffy fhen it comes to games, mostly because they use an outdated kernel. I can also recommend something like Endeavor if the gamer in question has any knack for tech, or Nobara, which is made specifically for gaming by GloriousEgg, maintainer of ProtonGE
there is something very satisfying about running pacman -Syu at the end of the day and watching it update the repos, give you a neat list of packages to be upgraded, then see them downloading over all your threads with that little chomp chomp pacman animation, disappearing one by one, or a bunch at once, and then at the end it runs the hooks and you see that [1/23] fill up all the way to [23/23] in the span of a minute…
It’s like popping bubble wrap, but you have 8 hands and 8 bubble sheets and never try to pop the tame bubble twice
dont bother correcting apostrophes as its not a grammatical mistake, simply lazy typing. well never stop doing that no matter how much yall tell us not to, cuz it simply aint all that much of a problem
Truers, just mentioning it
Tbf python guidelines encourage it over if/else in cases like this. “Easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission” or something along the lines
You are not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
for Firefox there’s now Vimium-c and Tridactyl. personally using Vimium and its been great