Sylvester Stallone? That’s like an instant -999 for me, idk about anyone else…
Edit: whoops I was thinking of Steven Seagal, Sylvester Stallone is great
Sylvester Stallone? That’s like an instant -999 for me, idk about anyone else…
Edit: whoops I was thinking of Steven Seagal, Sylvester Stallone is great
ReUtErS iS uNbIaSeD
As another reply said already
Imagine cable tv! (in the US at least, and, it seems, Canada, too)
It is so absurd until you realize people already accepted that shit… wtf!!!
Omg how good it feels to see others with this feeling
They once did a good thing that one time - and were American, at that moment at least. -Ish.
Holy shit
Thanks for the info
Sorry, ignore my other comment, I think I see you were referring not to “consoom” but the comment it was replying to, and the “parasitic forces,” which I assume is the dogwhistle you meant and I guess is trying to say to those in the know “iT’s ThE jEwS”
Is the dogwhistle the word “consoom”, I take it? Super curious to hear more. I understand dogwhistles but haven’t heard about this one.
But I always got weird feelings from the people on the internet spelling ‘consume’ that way. For instance there’s this guy on YouTube called Luke something who makes videos on Linux and some other open source stuff, but began at some point to seem extremely condescending about everything and misanthropic generally really. Then he had a video that showed a house he bought and at some point you could see his tiny little bookshelf and it was just full of right wing garbage, lol. That and he moved to apparently middle of nowhere because that’s what he decided to spend his sweet doge gainz of what looks like maybe $100k max on, lmao. Super weird vibes. Oh and lots of Pepe the frogs, too, IIRC…
Holy fucking shit, Accuweather?! TIL
Just learned this is Usha Vance, I think? Would explain some things… (JD Vance said his wife is a “corporate litigator” or something like that, in the recent US Vice Presidential debate)
And to be clear you mean the original UN article, not the article from the libertarian think tank “Foundation for Economic Education” (“FEE”)
And the UN article link (archive) is in the comments
FEE is an American Libertarian think tank.
Let that help you figure out what’s actually happening here.
Idk which is more depressing, your church or the other person replying and their liquor store
Hey I mean it, the world NEEDS critical thinkers like you. I’m rereading your comments and please, don’t let those thoughts overcome your better judgement. I KNOW that’s not any ‘remedy’.
Hey stop, I know what you’re saying bc I’ve been there myself. You haven’t any idea what the future holds is what I can tell you. There are so many good things in this world and believe it or not (I didn’t) they also come to you sometimes. Sending love your way.
ALONE we are powerless. The really really hard part is getting all of us together.
Nah dawg, that’s like our one strength and even instinct. See Bregman’s Humankind, for example!
Holy shit… Never thought of it like that… But yes!! - just check out the comments referencing IBM!!! They’re still just fucking chugging along, line go up for IBM stockholders, as if it was no fucking big deal to make the very goddamn punchcards and tabulators that led so many Jews to their horrible, untimely ends in all those concentration camps. And now, I guess “business” is good again…
MBS’s wild ride… (limb from limb)
This kinda made me think. We all know the individual today is ‘atomized’ (alienated and isolated from society - in direct contradiction to the aphorism “no man is an island”).
But how many jobs I wonder have become ‘gig-afied’ and atomized, too, so that there are now people working multiple jobs that would previously be one single, well-paying job?
Esp those pushed to devices with the form factor of a remote control, running the official reddit app