Originally a hotel now full of influencers must have some interesting quirks
I’m a computer janitor that sometimes streams trying to learn dev https://www.twitch.tv/destide
Originally a hotel now full of influencers must have some interesting quirks
White Africans and Black Germans must have a great old time over there
If you’re on your phone I’m not telling you what happened and it’s not getting rewound.
Well that’s where t-rex lived
Scoped gun for a drone OK yeah, you clearly know what you’re doing.
This is some Hotdogs shit
Who remembers Antergos
Or the “don’t worry I fixed it” one time poster
One of the things I noticed when I first switched, was the difference of advice on forums. Linux users would ask for reports and pinpoint errors giving a fix. Windows forums would be wild random often unrelated guesses ultimately leading to “just reformat”.
One hole more tacticool
Came here for this,but then on IMBD found…
Getting back to the old status quo
There already is a figure head Abu Mohammad al-Julani. There’s always a degree on uncertainty something only time will resolve. But for the moment he’s broadcasting country first and a unification of the Syrian people
EZ It’s not rocket science
Get rotate,potate
Wars are won and lost on a nations ability to not get physics yeeted into the air
Cool now show my parents equivalent you know the person who left highschool, had 3 kids by 30 didn’t work till 50 and still hasa house, car retirement.