• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2024

  • Free tech tip: https://cht.sh/ serves practical, usage-focused help on common command-line tasks. You can visit the website, or even better, curl for what you want.

    $ curl cht.sh/touch

    gets you this:

    # To change a file's modification time:
    touch -d <time> <file>
    touch -d 12am <file>
    touch -d "yesterday 6am" <file>
    touch -d "2 days ago 10:00" <file>
    touch -d "tomorrow 04:00" <file>
    # To put the timestamp of a file on another:
    touch -r <refrence-file> <target-file>

    Append with ~ and a word to show only help containing that word:

    $ curl cht.sh/zstd~compress


    # zstd
    # Compress or decompress files with Zstandard compression.
    # More information: <https://github.com/facebook/zstd>.
    # Decompress a file:
    zstd -d path/to/file.zst
    # Decompress to `stdout`:
    zstd -dc path/to/file.zst
    # Compress a file specifying the compression level, where 1=fastest, 19=slowest and 3=default:
    zstd -level path/to/file
    # Unlock higher compression levels (up to 22) using more memory (both for compression and decompression):
    zstd --ultra -level path/to/file

    For more usage tips, curl cht.sh/:help.