Same here… 6 years now and it’s great.
Same here… 6 years now and it’s great.
This shit is hilarious!
Fuck if I know… I bought the thing used from a buddy like 12 years ago and that was the cord he’d always used … Plugs into a regular outlet on the outside of the camper and then the outlets inside have power.
/me shrugs
I used to use one to get power into my popup camper…
Just noticed the missing fingers on the demon thing too… 😂
They’re total garbage but they seem able to fake donald dump more accurately.
Not a single fucking one of these actually look like her even a little bit.
It’s actually stunning to me just how bad it really is.
Neverhood and Sam & Max were great games.
No, because you like to lie to yourselves that you’re superior and that your model is what is best and the same as everywhere else is or should be.
It’s delusional masturbatory bullshit.
(Speaking from experience as someone who has actually done both jobs) it’s primarily because the Amazon driver is paid more fairly… Notice I didn’t say they’re paid fairly, just more fairly… But also because there’s no expectation of interaction with the Amazon driver.
Regardless of your beliefs on morality you don’t have some moral high ground to preach to anyone based simply on where you were born and the customs that your culture chose to adopt before you were.
Get over yourself.
Sooo innovative… Can’t you see? They made an app that runs on a phone…
Botly bot bottin