My thought is that if you’re going to give money, don’t wait until you die. The earlier you help someone, the more of their life it can improve. Help your kid buy their first house or something. Then spend everything before you die.
My thought is that if you’re going to give money, don’t wait until you die. The earlier you help someone, the more of their life it can improve. Help your kid buy their first house or something. Then spend everything before you die.
BFD they are the metro, not Indeed
I’ve now lived long enough to actually meet a couple of Canadian assholes. They exist.
Aside from the fact that you just offered a stereotype as an argument, you didn’t even get the stereotype right. Canadians don’t love everyone. Canadians are nice. That’s the stereotype.
Europeans are famously derisive of the American healthcare system though, so for whatever reason they seem to care specifically about his impact on that. I think in general America looms large around the world, economically, militarily, culturally. And certainly online. Having something to feel superior about seems to provide a channel for pent up frustration or resentment. Because believe me there’s no other reason for Europeans to care as much as they do about how much my healthcare costs.
It’s almost like the class divide is shining through the liberal/conservative rancor that’s been designed to hide it.
Leaving a gap open for “developmentally inappropriate” makes sense in the face of it, but when Evangelicals try to ban any book that has a depiction of a gay character, this is the rationale they use: that kids should not be subjected to sexual material. I’m not saying their argument holds water, just that the gap left open by this prohibition is the exact favorite entry point of book ban abusers.
Ah gotcha. No harm.
The part where you implied something must be wrong in my personal life because I didn’t give your comment the response you think it deserves? You’re right - that too.
I may be over focusing on that one part of your comment but it does stand out from the rest as rather asinine and contributing nothing to the point.
I’m responding to this:
I haven’t read Naked Lunch but from what I know of it, I doubt it has anything kids can’t get on the Internet nowadays.
Doesn’t know the book: check Casually dismisses the entire topic of moderating children’s content intake: check
It’s pretty clear you don’t know what you’re talking about on any level here.
Oh yum that sounds like a cherry picked list of lascivious moments from great literature taken out of context and lined up against the wall together until they look like a pornographic paradise. Surely this is how we should evaluate material!
Romeo and Juliet is kiddie porn - a veritable manual for pedo groomers!!!
Please don’t go around deciding issues based in whether they affect your personal life. There are a lot of people in spread out rural areas that don’t own a car and don’t have a bus and asking for rides is as old as the wheel itself. I gave a kid a ride one time so he could go down to his local junior college and register for classes. I hitched across half of AZ once when the tour bus I was with decided to leave two hours early and didn’t do a proper headcount. People ban hitching because they think it will keep “undesirables” out of of their highways and it is as cruel and stupid as criminalizing homelessness because “ew I don’t want to look at that.”
I’m interested how this works, technically. I’m against banning books. I’m also against elementary school kids picking up Naked Lunch in the school library and leaving through it. I presume no librarian would elect to have that book anyway, so it will never be tested whether it can be barred somehow. There are also probably soft mechanisms that get used like “it’s in the library and you can check it out with a parental permission form.” Anyway how to handle obscene material has been a question since the beginning of time.
China doesn’t produce much oil domestically so it’s a good strategic move not to let their peoples lives become too intertwined with gasoline. We’ve seen the US how much it drives people’s politics if they 1. can get gas (goodbye Jimmie Carter) and 2. pay less for gas (goodbye Biden).
Are you scoffing at the idea of networking?
Yeah you just keep on making assumptions about what I’m saying. You won’t be happy until I’m wearing a KKK hood and waving a torch so you can shoot me.
Your hostile, continued pigeonholing and insistence on strictly defining the responses I’m allowed to give does not inspire me to continue further discussion with you. You are stuck on your narrative and will bend anything I say around it. Not interested.
Nice attempt to put those words in my mouth. Here’s what I think less racist than a human is: less racist than a human.
Is this all on a desktop/laptop computer? I’m on my phone 95% of the time but I see a lot of conversations on Lemmy about how to block ads or work around YouTube’s restrictions (or whatever) and they make it seem like people are on a desktop full time. I guess it’s just a little surprising to me if that’s the case.