they would still cheer together as a herd how you suffered and post that on twitter as a victory, completely ignoring that they intentionally put shit in their mouth for joy of seeing other suffer.
they would still cheer together as a herd how you suffered and post that on twitter as a victory, completely ignoring that they intentionally put shit in their mouth for joy of seeing other suffer.
it is a problem in europe too. all new german SUVs, and many others, have front beams around the height of others drivers eyes so they blare right into internal rearview mirror, car is lit like ufo is here to take us, and when meeting those cars coming from opposite direction, it’s again at the height of eyes to burn the retinas. the regulation of headlights is obviously fucked.
conservatives’ accussation of others is, you guessed it, a projection!
they were sour about everything covid related. it was all made up, it wasn’t real, but china made it, masks were problem, they couldn’t breathe, secret cabala, fascism, vaccinations was bill gates’s genocide chip implating for mind control.
they insisted on all kinds of nonsense because they didn’t believe it, as they are neck-deep in conspiracy theories and delusion.
i remember rightwingers, the same who praise elon musk lately, screamed for months about implanting chips during covid vaccinations. oh the irony.
so if it probably affects only a small number of specific hw platforms, you cannot state fedora as “now wait 40 seconds” distro.
i’m also not using the tmd chip, no issues.