I had to look up “The Happening.” From context clues I thought it might be like “The Day of the Triffids,” but I guess it’s a little more subtle. XD
It’s a US label and the percents are % of recommended daily intake. So that’s 3% of your daily recommended carbohydrate intake, 6% of your daily recommended intake of sugar, and 12% of your daily recommended intake of “added” sugar. The recommendation is something like, no more than half of your carbs should come from sugar, and no more than half of those should be added during manufacturing (i.e. most of your sugar intake should be from fresh fruit, etc.). So the numbers do line up.
Rick Perry moment
Isn’t every baby a meat baby?
Oh damn I think I read this:
The ton of TNT is a unit of energy defined by convention to be 4.184 gigajoules (1 gigacalorie),[1] which is the approximate energy released in the detonation of a metric ton (1,000 kilograms) of TNT.
And immediately brain farted “gigajoule” to “kilojoule.” Thanks!
I think that might be an underestimate. Mass and energy should be conserved, so if the entire black hole evaporates the total energy output should be E = mc2. An A4 page has a mass of 6.25g. c is the speed of light, 299,792,458m/s.
0.00625kg * (299,792,458m/s)2 = 561,721,986,710,511.025J
The explosion of 1 metric ton (1000kg) of TNT is considered to be equivalent to 4,184 Joules. So 100KT = 418,400,000J. That’s not close at all, we’re gonna need more TNT:
561,721,986,710,511.025J / 4,184J/ton of TNT = ~134,254,776,938 tons of TNT.
Rounding off to significant figures, we’re looking at 134 gigatons of TNT. For comparison, the Tsar Bomba, the most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested, had a yield of 50-58 megatons. That’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,500 Tsar Bombas!
Maybe this paper folding experiment should be performed away from anything that might be damaged by the explosion. Like, uh, inhabited continents.
As pointed out below, I biffed the joules-per-ton-of-TNT thing, sorry!
“Original” as in it has original ideas, or “original” as in it’s not part of an established franchise? If it’s the latter, I saw The Wild Robot in theaters. It was okay. A bit by-the-numbers, and I’m not sure everything made total sense, but it’s a kid’s movie so that was to be expected.
If the former, then, uh… Problemista? Also in theaters. I really liked that one.
I liked healing in MMOs when all I had to do was click healthbars to fill them up. Other people did all the hard work of actually fighting monsters, and I got loot!
Now MMOs want to make healers “interesting” so that more people will play them, and this means I have to contend with actual mechanics and sometimes even deal damage. Sorry, my brain does not multitask, I’m simply not cut out for this anymore. :P
I think it’s the use of color. The snakes really stand out because they’re green and the rest of the colors are very muted.
My car has been on standard time for years now, so it’s currently correct.
The last time I was handing out candy at my old neighborhood, kids would ring the doorbell but then they’d just stand there and stare at me until I handed them candy. You’re supposed to say “trick or treat”!
Now I live in an apartment, so I don’t get trick-or-treaters. (I have candy just in case, but nobody ever knocks.) My roommate went to hang out with his sister and hand out candy at her place, and apparently their neighborhood has decreed that trick-or-treating ends at 7 sharp now so that nobody is out after dark? I don’t get it. I thought staying out late (and, for teens, potentially unsupervised) was part of the fun!
Did Trump even say it was a hoax? I remember him asking if you could cure it with bleach, and taking credit for the vaccine. He for sure was annoyed at how long it lasted and wanted to end mitigations early, but I thought it was mostly other grifters who took the “it doesn’t exist” line.
I don’t want to look at my disgusting flesh-body and I’d rather nobody else saw it either. Rebuild me shiny and chrome, then we’ll talk about showing off.
I didn’t realize white-hatting was so profitable…
Is being suspended even a punishment? I would have been psyched to be suspended, I hated going to school.
I’ve considered getting a bulletproof jacket or hoodie. But it’s so expensive, and can only really be worn half the year.
The stuff like backpack inserts seems like a racket. How likely are you to be wearing the backpack and get shot from behind?
Ohhh I probably disabled it right away and then forgot about it.
Huh, I was using Ubuntu as my daily driver circa 2014 and I don’t remember this at all… maybe I stopped just prior to them implementing it… or maybe it just didn’t make enough of an impression for me to notice.