‘Is he though?’ is the actual line
No, is the loop back, so it doesn’t even leave the machine and doesn’t need to be connected to any network.
They’ll use any excuse they can to cut federal funding to blue states, to force them to adhere to new rules and regulations. Not sure how insulated they really are.
I don’t know what part of the world you grew up in, but that hasn’t been my experience at all. All the women I know have been brought up to know this is the old way, and any man who thinks along those lines is a man to avoid.
Don’t buy those guns idiots
When certain parts of the official narrative are shown to be false or misleading, it’s easier to assume other aspect of the official narrative are also false or misleading . Its pretty important that all parts of a story are consistent either each other.
If they pay just enough, with tips, then what is it without tips? Not enough. Statistically, more people would move to another just that put y back into ‘just enough’ category.
I don’t see that as 180 at all.
But if everyone did it, people wouldn’t be able to afford to work there. There would be no staff and the business would be forced to increase their pay to retain labour, or shut their doors.
Edit for typos.
Oh, you mean doing the job they agreed to do for an hourly rate? Why am i subsidizing the corporation not paying them fairly?
When you only have one choice, you don’t have a choice.
Yea obviously we’re at the point where the only non fascist choice is to vote for an unpopular incumbent, but it seems like the choice has been completely removed from the democratic process in the US and you have to wonder how much of it is exactly by design, and whose.
No, by obstructing his and his supporters efforts in key primaries, because the DNC knew they wanted Hillary for reasons.
I can’t control how other people vote, but the party’s can. That’s their job.
I knew the DNC fucked up when they tanked Bernie’s run.
And look what we got.
I’ve said if he was raped, he should report it. Stop putting words in my mouth lol I think you should stop putting words in your own mouth. Either you’re intentionally trolling or a blatant misandrist.
He was drunk, therefore she didn’t get consent. So she did rape him. Period.
However, you and I both know if he tried to report it, it is a near certainty that it would go nowhere, and he’d be mocked and ridiculed for it not just enjoying how lucky he was to have had the attentions of a woman on him.
It’s a disgusting double standard and you’ve shown that you’re part of the problem.
It’s the gross assumption that the man won’t regret his actions. Or that he wouldn’t be shamed and ridiculed just for trying to claim he didn’t want it.
You do better.
I think it make sense. They’re saying its a bad idea to not hire someone who’s qualified, just because of the color of their skin.