capitalism is when hooray and communism is when boo
Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short
capitalism is when hooray and communism is when boo
lol as though they’d use the word “woman” in this sentence
you blocked the stuff we need to protect your privacy
holy shit fuck you you lying fuck
I didn’t miss the sin. The sin isn’t relevant to me. You don’t treat people like that. Whatever you hope to accomplish, you can accomplish without treating people like that. If someone else is being abusive, that’s not license for you to be abusive in response. If a cop was abusing their power would you expect the chief of police to publicly berate and insult him, or would you expect the standards to be enforced without resorting to that?
When you abuse someone for being abusive you don’t make it clear that abuse is unacceptable. In fact, you do the opposite. You establish that abuse is a part of your culture. If I was considering contributing to the kernel and saw this exchange, I’d walk away. I don’t need that shit, not from Mauro, not from Linus, not from the Lord hisownself. It damages the organization long-term.
you seem to have created a false dichotomy where it’s impossible to fix bad code without being abusive. would you like me to call you “dumb motherfucker” or is this explanation enough?
`//Get CustomerInfo from CustomerRepository by Customer ID or else throw an CustomerNotFoundException
public CustomerInfo getById(String customerId) {
return customerRepository.getById(customerId).orElseThrow(new CustomerNotFoundException());
This is the kind of pointless comment I see in my codebase all the time. Best I can tell, a couple of my coworkers like to plan out their code using comments, then backfill in the actual executable code. That’s fine, but they leave the comments in when they add no value.
` public static LocalDate parseEndDateFromString(String dateString) {
try {
String[] split = dateString.split("-");
//In order to get the last day of the desired month, we go to the first day of the next month, account for rollover, then subtract one day
int month = Integer.parseInt(split[0]) == 12 ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(split[0]) + 1;
return LocalDate.of(Integer.parseInt(split[1]), month, 1).minusDays(1);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid date format - must be MM-YYYY");
Stuff like this, otoh, is where comments are useful. The required format is obvious from the error message, the param and return from the method signature, the only part that requires a comment is the fiddly logic of accounting for the edge case where month == 12 and the rationale behind how we determine the last day of the month. As a rule, comments are for why something is being done, if it’s not obvious, and for magic numbers. Code should tell you what code does.
edit: can anyone spot the bug that I introduced with that parseEndDateFromString() method?
Building community and mutual aid is subversive.
This. Both the government and the major corporations depend on being able to extract wealth from real people getting what they need. If we build dual power structures, help one another out and cut the owner class out of the transaction entirely, we weaken them. Growing food in your garden is revolutionary. Clothing swaps are revolutionary. Cutting the old lady next door’s lawn, then eating the soup she made is an act that strikes at the fundamental underpinnings of the power structure set up by those who think that they should be entitled to our labor because they’ve been arbitrarily designated as the “owners” of things. We can and should remove them from the equation entirely.
vegan food isn’t expensive. artificial meat replacements are expensive, because you’re paying someone to chemically torture plants until they vaguely remind you of animals. lentils, beans, and other awesome-tasting protein sources are dirt cheap. vegan-first dishes are great and really cheap.
This is the first Christian church I’ve ever seen that has been willing to respond to the violent rhetoric of other churches with something strong than “Oh, well, everyone is entitled to their beliefs”. They need and deserve our critical support.
I didn’t even think to recommend Poogle. Thank you!
Polygonal phylogeny
quadferrets copulating
That’s where you’re messing up. Those are pentacoyotes, not quadferrets. The contact side between two polygonimals mating is actually obscured, so the actual number of sides in a copulation configuration is the sum of the sides of all involved polygonimals - 2. Therefore the octorca could not be two mating quadferrets, but could be two pentacoyotes, or a chain of duodugongs.
Its a 6 sided bear, the peak of the polygonal phylogeny.
Heptaherpeton - this is the furthest we’ve discovered in the polygonal phylogeny but research indicates the likely existence of an octorca as well
it’s universalizable. I’d be okay with someone keying my car if I purposely parked like an asshole, so it survives the ax murderer paradox
rules aren’t there to be enforced, they’re there so that when you break them you take a second to think about why.