I’m so much more worried about my future kids’ access to toxic alpha male shit and fascist propaganda than I am about porn.
I’m so much more worried about my future kids’ access to toxic alpha male shit and fascist propaganda than I am about porn.
Lol, Edith and Mildred are literally my grandmothers’ names. Edith is a badass and just turned 99.
So do (did) Palestine
I can only speak about the US, but sadly, the unhoused die of hunger, preventable disease, and exposure all the time here. And unemployment does not cover a 1 bedroom apartment in major cities, nor does it qualify you for the outrageous requirements of most leases. You may be right about the status of the poor in the EU though.
They eat cleaner food and have more amenities than a King, but they certainly don’t live better. The point of the article is that the rising tide is floating a few boats wayyyy higher than the rest, and the overall growth does not justify the fact that people still die of hunger, get evicted while working multiple jobs, fall ill and are saddled by medical dept for life (US only), and shit like that.
You just said the word tho
EDIT: sorry, not trying to be snarky. You’re right, but your misstep points out the problem
I am truly sorry if I hurt any feelings. I honestly was not aware that we as a society decided that using that word is insensitive. I (34M) was sexually assaulted when I was 8, FWIW, and I understand that words have power. I just didn’t get the memo in this case.
What is the considerate way to title this post?
I’m not OP, and it’s literally in the title. Be an adult.
EDIT: I obviously don’t understand what the issue even is, because you just said rape. Is the word okay for comments but not titles? Or is the problem that you don’t have the reading comprehension skills to read the word in the title and infer the nature of the content behind the link?
If your delicate sensibilities can’t handle reading this, imagine how these prisoners feel. This SHOULD shock you, and maybe that shock will motivate you to action against it.
It’s also possible to look at this situation and see you as the one who is fixated. Just explain simply what you think happens in November when you refuse to participate in the (albeit shitty) democratic process. We’ll wait.
If that version of the future includes some accelerationist fantasy where things get so bad here – for people of color, LGBTQ, lower and middle class, human rights, wage gap, regulatory capture, &c&c – that we all have some great awakening and there is a violent uprising… Then I’m sorry to tell you that you’re a terrorist.
People here aren’t arguing for you to like Biden; most of us don’t either. We’re asking for you to live in reality.
It’s entitled of YOU too think that the land, plants, wildlife, and ecology these creatures have lived off of for millennia belong to you. We all share a planet, it’s not up to humans to be the arbiters of who can have what and how much and at what time etc etc .
Cats may not be sapient animals, but they are sentient.
You’re uninformed. Cats co-evolved with humans to serve a job (pest control, in exchange for safety and the occasional bit of food). There have only been fully indoor cats for a few hundred years. Not all cats have to have a job, but some WANT one, just like dogs. We should let them.
My cat is angry with me if I don’t let him spend at least 12 hours a day roaming and catching bugs and mice. He has neighbor cat friends that he goes to see. Why would I deprive him of that?
Why would you automatically doubt this? You are aware there are other places outside where you live, and different things happen there, right?