that goes in the third category, Pretending how others suffering is their own fault always since it couldnt possibly be caused by anything else.
that goes in the third category, Pretending how others suffering is their own fault always since it couldnt possibly be caused by anything else.
provided the can safeguard themselves from parasites that might try creeping in and try to change things for worse
its weird seeing the facade crumble a little more
maybe he lost a loved one
i’m just so tired of watching world slowly march towards hell and drag me with it. cant do anything because doing anything alone is as good as doing nothing because no one cares about anything. best i can do is talk about it in internet and i dont think that is doing anything either. but doing absolutely nothing feels like watching someone rob you while you smile politely out of fear
because the problem is just in my head and not in the world around me?
stupid and ignorant people are going to be the death of our species. And if that happens, we fucking deserve it.
that is better term for it
there has to be some form of private property though, but how do you define the line? Maybe if you could claim stuff for varying amounts of time, be it hours or for your lifetime, but there would still need to be somekind of measure against hoarding and other abuse. Everything should still have value for this, but maybe it wouldn’t need to be monetary value we currently have.
Economy also probably cant be completely removed but it doesnt have to be exactly like it is now where money controls everything. Maybe if every type of work had some kind value determined by something that benefits society as whole and as you work, you gain some kind of credits that can be used to lay claim on stuff. Stuff could also have different tiers based on how crucial they are for life so everyone would have access to at least basic food and shelter no matter what. I dont think people just not working if they dont die to hunger or exposure as result would be problem, as life where you dont do anything is hell unless you are so simple minded you wouldnt be able to work anyway.
Then there is matter of resource allocation, if everyone uses as much as they want everything will run out. But to regulate this there would need to be some kind of authority which could easily corrupt into mockery of itself.
It would be nice if there was some serious research on how to achieve something like this. We dont have to be slaves to wealth. At least i havent heard of anything like that. But i wonder if large enough portion of humanity is even capable of thinking like that.
just call it xitter (pronounced shitter) as that is what it is, full of shit
they wouldnt remove your frontdoor, they would install their own lock to it and charge you for privilege of using it
now its just Cdonalds
Bethesta is gone, no point in expecting anything from them anymore.
do you get to spend that money and keep your house?
Be worried about everyone
pokemon abridged’s brock approves this
i get anxious if i havent seen my cat for a while
opposing world views fighting