Great stories. Tiny bit of surviver bias.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
Great stories. Tiny bit of surviver bias.
Redhat 1997. Slackware, Storm Linux, then Debian 2001 to present. A brief year on the OSS Solaris release.
We had taglines and bbs signatures. Those were pretty similar.
I always assumed it was similar to how QE2 was the Queen of Canada, making our monarchy separately and independent but parallel to the UK monarchy.
Do not use a chainsaw like that. yikes.
Sneezing is not normal. I never sneeze.
Can they put cocaine in zyns?
Looseleaf earl grey and 20 years of debian.
Lose the sugar and add a date or two. Makes it whip up into a totally different consistency for some reason.
They’ll still have to pay the tariff when crossing the border back to the USA, unless they want to risk smuggling it.
I get the need for them, to pay for shared building services. Strata fees pay for exercise rooms, pools, grounds maintenance, whatever. I 100% am behind them, as long as the Strata council is responsive to needs and not corrupted, but there’s the rub.
I’d generally be happier with few services and low strata fees tho.
Yeah. I’m pretty much resigned to living in our rental until we get renovicted. No kids, double income, a lot of savings… but the mortgage payments would be way more than it’s worth to have a minor upgrade. Strata payments alone are often more than our rent!
Not Vancouver. Nothing that size would go less than 2 million until you hit Coquitlam. MAYBE.
I’ve found that changing my email address works better than unsubscribe sometimes. Just change it to a tagged address and set up a filter. Shields you against future sales as well.
All the Trump emails go rbos+fucktrump now. Probably a hundred a day. Unsubscribe did not work.
Also, Canadian. Incompetent jerks.
Encoding h.265 on a small enough camera might be a problem? But if they have money …
It has stayed funny this whole time. WoW provides a lot of fresh material, even if you’re not playing.
Yeah, that’s interesting. It’s right in the name, too. You are caramelizing the sugars, not the proteins.
So the baking soda does speed up what little maillard is going on, so it browns faster, but it doesn’t caramelize faster.
I usually do overnight large batch caramelizing so it hasn’t mattered. Big bag of onion cubes in the freezer so I never do it in a pan.
Alkalinity speeds up the Maillard reaction significantly. Baking soda. Magic.
You don’t have to. Turns out, when you give women the option to not shove a watermelon-sized object through their hoohaws at an age when they’re not ready for it, many of them opt not to!
He’s also attached himself to a fickle narcissist with a long history of throwing people away like tissues when they become slightly inconvenient, even at the cost of long-term value.
Musk knows that if Trump ditches him, he loses a hundred billion + in stock paper value, pretty much immediately. That’s a lot of leverage and a lot of reason to stay on his good side.
It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.