Giving up is not the same as doing nothing. I can give up on saving the world and still so my best so we reach the best possible outcome.
Giving up is not the same as doing nothing. I can give up on saving the world and still so my best so we reach the best possible outcome.
In a previous thread with a similar topic linked a study that actually was able to support this claim:
tldr: the study links crime(categorized into violent and property crime) to a net benefit of the people living in the neighborhood through having more money available. I did not read it fully so please correct me if im wrong.
Does it tho? And even if it does, arent there ways to keep housing prices low with less downsides? I would be sincerely interested in examples where this actually worked.
Just in case someone wants more context:
This is the “Amazon tower” in Berlin, a huge (for Berlin) office building that will be mainly/exclusively used by Amazon and this sparked some protests.
More infos heres:
I judge people on plenty of things that are legal. You probably do it too
Interesting how many different (not so charitable) interpretation of this comic exist in thr comments.
To me this of course a simplification, as its a comic and was postes in !memes
In my opinion this comic shows how nationalism can be used to pit the working class against each other even tho their class interests are pretty similar, no matter which side of the border they are.
As long as automation is not just a transfer of labor, there is not really anything negative about it.
But in our current world automation does not necessarily mean that something takes less human labor to produce, it usually is just cheaper to produce it that way. Like a robot might make my work day shorter (or just save the capitalist some money) but for robot to exist it needs materials mined, refined, assembly, quality control, shipping and more. Maybe those actions actually need more hours of labor, but because those happen in places where its way cheaper to hire workers the capitalist do that auromation anyway.
As a vegan, I also want a good live for all the pigs out there
a c a b
Misrepresentating talking points does not really help you in starting a good faith discussion or n swaying the opinion of (mis)informed people.