If you (ExtremeDullard) are an amputee then I have some bad news for you.
God hates you.
Think about it: god made the deaf hear, the blind see, the mute speak, the lame walk, the possessed clean, cured leprosy, made prostitutes saints and raised the dead.
But not one single amputee in the history of humanity has ever regrown a limb.
Ergo, god hates amputees.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
You can be as “sorry” as you please; hollowing out vital services (remember, there was only 1ATC on duty when there should’ve been 2) CULMINATES with a catastrophic systemic failure. Did the gutting of the air safety group cause this - yes. Was it was the straw that broke the camel’s back - yes. Try to think less transactionally (like Herr Drumpf) and look at the problem as a whole, not a single incident.
PS, making a mid-air collision the fault of DEI policies is a narrow-minded and facile way to turn a tragedy into a political spectacle that can be monetized. Watch for over priced cheesy Trumpian baubles to "commemorate " this event. Coming soon to TSC.
Lie down with dogs; get up with fleas. Or brainworms. Or fuck her and her career for sinking to the Kidrock-level of skell. Hahahahaha.
Kill imperialist aggressors. Has Daddy Putin taught Diaperload Donnie nothing? The war in Ukraine demonstrates how a small nation can bloody the nose of a so-called superpower. Herr Drumpf must realize this is not fiction. So after Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq (twice) hasn’t America learned ANYTHING?
I only ever use “Billionaire Mulch” for my turnips. It’s a bit more costly - my turnips are more than worth it.
Not an American, so this is without prejudice.
Either gun deaths are a fact of life or unacceptable. There is no in-between or grey area. It is hugely frustrating to see these shitstained mavens of policy and law swing wildly between these contradictory extremes. Pick a fucking side.
No - this is the hash dealer Doug “The Slug” Ford. His infamous meth-head brother is, mercifully, dead. His family is suing the crap out of each other for their entitled inheritance. The entire blood line is a train-wreck of sub-human villains.
TIL eyeball herpes can be dispensed in box form.
Only if he moves to Taber. Or Mayerthorpe. Or Edmonton. Them good ole AB cuntry folk love them some authoritarian figure-heads. Have fun, 34-times-convicted-felon.
Who is losing their job for such a massive cock up?
Does this signal a return to calling Navy personnel “seamen”?
I thought the products were an illustration of how much food is in his colon. You know: why he’s so full of shit.
Lovely. Seems to be missing a steering wheel, though. JK!!! Is it recreational or lifestyle?
Nope, “Sad Clown” is already taken.
Like this?
This is what Germany in 1929 was - without social media.
Excellent news since only dead people are permitted on $US. When’s he dying? I have March 5th 2025 in the pool.