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dropping the emojis again i love it
your post boils down to “marxism good because i say”, which is a shit argument for marxism
there’s really nothing more to it than that, and it’s pretty obvious that you’ve realised it at this point
hence how pointedly you’re avoiding actually engaging with anything i say and i’m here for it every step of the way
it’s hilarious that you think that has anything to do with your post
ah and thus we arrive at the final stop of our journey
“the right answer is right because i say it is right”, confirming that, at no stage did you have anything resembling a good point to make in its defense
i’m glad we could all reach this together i’m so happy for us
oh my god it was beautiful
it was nearly an argument and then it just crashed and burned so quickly, and it was so clearly meant to be some kind of coup de grâce
reasoning about the actual mechanics, and thinking through their implications
okay so if a person grows up in the wrong environment, and so they reason about the actual mechanics, and think through the implications in a way that you don’t like, it’s bad
but when they do it and get an answer that you do like, it’s good
the only difference between the two scenarios is your personal opinion on their conclusion
excuse me buddy i think you need to work on your
let’s try again
can you trust a person’s gut reaction? yes or no?
oh my god is that the point you were trying to make? i kind of assumed it wasn’t because it actually doesn’t help your argument in any way
like, okay, you’re shaped by your surroundings. so? so you can’t trust your gut because your surroundings could have shaped you to have the wrong gut reaction?
incredible that you’re actually arguing against yourself now
my guy it’s actually comical how shit your comebacks are getting
can you trust it? yes or no? it’s a pretty simple question
can you trust a gut reaction or not? i’m getting mixed messages here
have you forgotten what your point was? because a minute ago it was that you could trust the average person’s gut impulse when it came to political philosophy. now it’s that you can’t? are you feeling okay?
*taps the sign*
Donald Trump, a fascist, is currently polling about equally with his opponent, who is not a fascist, because while his policies are fascist, he isn’t describing them as such. People are willingly voting for them because they think they’re a good idea.
If he campaigned on “I am a fascist”, he would not be polling equally with his opponent.
Please explain how these two ideas put together aren’t an example of what you advocate for in your post.
You’ll also notice that me referencing polling figures doesn’t mean that I agree with the outcome of polling. Absolutely shocking that I need to make this clarification, but there we go, I suppose.
Or, you know, continue desperately avoiding making an actual argument because of how obvious it is that you accidentally made a pro-fascism, pro-eugenics post and for some reason can’t accept that fact.
don’t make me tap the sign
also to preempt pls nobody do the intellectually dishonest thing of pretending me following this line of argument means im in love with eugenics and am here to argue for more eugenics or that i just dont think eugenics is such a bad thing after all thnk u
on the other hand, your post advocates for fascism and eugenics
Says the fash who thinks that most people support eugenics.
buddy i’m not the one making posts in support of fascism
shaded boardwalk is the optimal walking surface
literally deploying the “i’m rubber you’re glue” defense to protect your pro-fascism, pro-eugenics meme
this is what projection looks like
actual brainrot
also, people willingly vote for fascism all the time so long as it isn’t called “fascism” so this post supports fascism too good job
also to preempt pls nobody do the intellectually dishonest thing of pretending me following this line of argument means im in love with eugenics and am here to argue for more eugenics or that i just dont think eugenics is such a bad thing after all thnk u
wow you did the thing well done
you made a bad argument, it’s okay
if your argument was good you wouldn’t be working so hard to avoid defending it like you are
All of these are fairly straightforward and easy to understand, it just takes a while to get into the nitty gritty
i feel like everything’s “easy to understand” if you assume infinite time to explain it, but for the sake of argument, let’s agree that these in fact “easy to understand”
in which case, the ideas behind pre-natal scanning and graduate family stimulus are also easy to understand, so we haven’t really moved anywhere.
this post still doesn’t make any case for marxist ideals being sound other than “people like them when they hear them without the label”. which i’m arguing (via the use of the provided two examples) is also true for eugenics.
and if “people like the ideas when they hear them without the label” is justification for ideas being good, then eugenics must be good, but we know eugenics isn’t good, so it’s not a good justification
so the post doesn’t make a good argument for marxism being good
and we already know the post is attempting to be an argument for why marxism is good, because you already acknowledged it’s making the case that “people have a negative connotations about marxism”, and combined with the point about nazis from earlier you enjoyed so much, that’s sufficient to show that it’s attempting to be an argument for why marxism is good
Ah, “the trains ran on time.” We both know that’s not Nazism.
what are you talking about? why are you trying to bring nazis into everything now?
(also, “trains ran on time” is mussolini, who was a fascist, not a nazi)
I dunno, why bring up the Nazis as though they had popular ideas?
i didn’t and i’ve already clarified that?
i’m not sure what more there is to say on this
What parts of Marxism do you want to chop off?
if you’re referring to everything then that would include stuff like das kapital which i don’t think you can reasonably refer to as “easy to understand”
“philosophical grounding in Dialectical and Historical Materialism” also seems like it would be a fairly hard thing for the average person to understand
also, marx didn’t invent communism, so to say communism is contained within marxism is incorrect
the opening of the communist manifesto literally references the fact that european powers were already trying to “exorcise” the idea from the continent at the time
Yes, people generally don’t agree with the ideas posed by Nazism.
nazism proposed pre-natal scanning and graduate family planning stimulus? that’s news to me
holy shit those ufc fighters are gigantic