Oh, that’s nothing. Ever wonder who tough on crime legislation actually benefits, and who’s lobbying for it?
Oh, that’s nothing. Ever wonder who tough on crime legislation actually benefits, and who’s lobbying for it?
Precisely. That rich asshole doesn’t need to be in a position where he can use his influence to further enrich himself using taxpayer money, and this is the most effective way to do it.
8742 6689 0420 8832
Jokes aside, that might work. I’ll try it next time.
Good luck explaining that to the “I got nothing to hide” crowd…
I suspect private security company stocks are about to go way up.
Oh look, they’re doing a Nintendo.
but what the hell is this?
I thought it was either trolling or a bot trying to undermine public support for an icon representing the public’s collective hatred of the rich, but it turns out that he’s just a guy who is extremely vocal about his disabilities and activism.
His take is utterly fucking moronic and misses the point, but it doesn’t seem overtly malicious within the context of everything else he says on Xitter and BlueSky.
>TOML has entered the channel
Any human-readable format compatible with JSON is inevitably going to be used as an interchange format…
The details on this one are just 🤌
Are they actually going to pay that out?
No no, you see: the tax breaks are incentive for the rich to stop dodging their taxes. Along with China, Mexico, and Canada paying a 35% tariff to America for its exports, the EcOnOmY will flourish and increase the wages of hardworking American citizens.
I wish I were joking, but a lot of Trump voters actually believe that shit.
The first of many, I bet.
Considering how much money talks, I wouldn’t put it past “him” to take his own life in holding cell.
They definitely won’t try to delay paying it or denying the tip led to a conviction. Not at all. Nope
I’ll admit, you had me in the first half.
For anyone genuinely considering jury nullification, it’s also probably not a good idea to bring it up before deliberation. Lawyers typically try to get jurors dismissed when they’re aware that it’s actually an option.
Who says it can’t be?
It’ll be neither. Now that the upper class is affected, they’ll be lobbying hard for strict gun control. But hey, archery still exists…
As the regretful owner of a ball pit, I wish I didn’t see this.
“Do you have any visual impairments?”
“Yes, I have glass.”
“You mean glasses?”
“Well, actually…”
Fun… Another Hola VPN.