Fire up burpsuite and do a POST, see what happens. 🤣
— GPG Proofs —
This is an OpenPGP proof that connects my OpenPGP key to this Lemmy account. For details check out https://keyoxide.org/guides/openpgp-proofs
[ Verifying my OpenPGP key: openpgp4fpr:27265882624f80fe7deb8b2bca75b6ec61a21f8f ]
Fire up burpsuite and do a POST, see what happens. 🤣
Check if their check boxes have a SQL injection.
For those who can’t: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zhl-Cs1-sG4&t=110s
Believe me, my genetics are already trying their best to remove what hair I have left on my head.
For me it’s more I don’t want my head hair wrapped around my junk. It’s uncomfortable, and behind deliberate about how I dry my body has made sure it doesn’t happen anymore.
Finally, I can share my method.
I got tired of finding head hair in my underwear so this method keeps the head drying section quite a bit away from the ball section, and keeps the ass drying away from hands arms, chest, face etc.
I just want to say, these posts are a daily bit of joy. Thanks for posting them.
I only just found that movie back in late December. It’s excellent!
I have four whole bitcoins from when you could sign up for sites that just gave them out. That wallet has been missing for the better part of a decade. 🫠
Wtf is up with the typography? Every letter is from a different font face…
My homelab is three Lenovo M920q systems complete with 9th gen i7 procs, 24GB ram, and 10Gbps fibre/Ceph storage. Those mini PCs can be beasts.
I don’t know if I can completely explain the difference, but I would classify myself as a home labber not a self-hoster.
I use Proton for email and don’t have any YouTube/Twitter/etc alt front ends. The majority of my lab (below) is storage and compute for playing around with stuff like Kubernetes and Ansible to help me with my day job skills. Very little is exposed to the Internet (mostly just a VPN endpoint for remote lab work).
I view self-hosting as more of a, “let me put this stuff on the internet instead of of using a corporation’s gear” effort. I know folks who host their own Mastodon instance, have their own alt front ends for various social media, their own self-hoster search engines.
40s reporting in. It doesn’t change, I feel like I’ve been perpetually 20-ish.
Speedy Crabman!
This is what I did. Grabbed UL certified faceplates and a bunch of keystones. Total outlay was probably $50 including drywall/Sheetrock mounting brackets.
John Oliver did a great (and by great I mean horrifying) segment on the logistics of mass deportations. There’s no way to sugarcoat it, this will be a shit show that destroys lives.
I went all out with Cat6A. I have some 10Gbps capabilities with my home lab, and although I currently do not have any 10GbE copper capable systems, I thought I’d try to go future proof.
My only regret is that I only went with riser grade cable - plenum was way too much, even for plain Cat6.
I literally just did this over the Christmas break. The drywall mounting outlets are a game changer.
Thanks for the recommendation - I just finished it (it’s a slow day). What an incredibly depressing and vivid book.