It almost sounds like you’re describing a charge card instead of a credit card. American Express offers those in the US, but it’s not nearly as widespread in usage as a standard bank credit card.
There’s plenty of shelter space but you can’t do drugs there so people don’t go. But hey I guess you can use as much as you want in prison!
My Whole Foods just uses paper bags, so I guess this doesn’t affect me :shrug:.
Read Wikipedia, his father was an attorney for the oil tycoon J Paul Getty and administrator of the Getty family trust. They go deep into money.
It’s for a 3/4 cup serving which doesn’t seem all that unreasonable.
Paper lets the flour breathe, releasing moisture. The grain isn’t 100% when milled and the milling process generates significant heat (mill some grain at home with a motorized mill and see). Warmth + moisture + hermetically sealed plastic smells like a nice way to grow some fungus.
Edit: isn’t 100% dry when milled.
Those large vats are just margarine, so much cheaper than butter.