I’m gonna need links. It’s been a while but last time I read the IPCC reports executive summary there was no such predictions and certainly not going out multiple centuries.
There is nothing in the IPCC reports that even come close to civilization-ending predictions from climate change.
It took me until my late thirties but I figured it out. I break my mental freeze from a compliment by just saying out loud what just happened. I say, “That was a compliment.” Then natural empathy and politeness take over and I continue with, “Thank you for the kind words.” This can happen simultaneously with feeling and silently processing the shame and discomfort that being complimented causes.
Good luck everyone.
See, I was thinking that, even in the context of a group of threads about real life headlines that are so absurd that they sound satirical, this person was letting us know they don’t want to read about celebrity gossip.
Rest in Peace, Harry Dean Stanton.
Yes. Finder is just some app you can move files with on macOS.
Damn. You never sent in the ROFLcopter? Not even once?
Finder is macOS equivalent of Windows Explorer (maybe, it’s been a while). I assume Linux desktop suites have various similar processes. In other words, a second optional layer (with more features) to access runtime libc file manipulation api.
Boy oh boy would you hate AppleScript. This is what I have to type to throw files in the trash instead of deleting them.
tell application ”Finder” to delete POSIX file “/full/fucking/path/to/file”
much less unheard of
Don’t fail to not use double negatives!
No wonder the responder didn’t unsuccessfully misunderstand the sentence.
I know what you meant by “state flag” but I want to be cheeky, so here goes:
We didn’t pledge to a state flag but the federal flag. But the state of Maryland has a fabulous flag, and I’m still devoted to its design all these years later.
For whatever reason, in the 70s, in Maryland, I only recall pledging allegiance in the morning at the start of school during first grade. I don’t think we did it past second grade. In any case, I took the opportunity to insert curse words. I would say it like, “I pledge allegiance to the shit, and to the asshole for which it shits.” I didn’t lower my voice either. I just figured that I would never be noticed. Thinking back, I am surmising that my teacher must have noticed at least once but just ignored it.
Is the character in the right saying the white-lettered words?
Bring back mumps for teen boys! Antivaxx for the win!
Not sure about now, but in the 80s, from 7th to 12th grade for me, I attended a federally funded USA school, and our average student tested in the top quartile of state funded schools nationwide.
I’m impressed by how he had to construct the back half of that guy.
I see your Cannibal Corpse and I raise you one Nembrionic Hammer Death.
I’m not sure of the term for this, but I’ll call it “billionaire blindness”. Not blindness to billionaires but a blindness that affects billionaires. And it works like this: because they overestimate their own abilities – their ego cannot handle the large part that luck played in their success – they correspondingly underestimate the abilities of their lackeys.
In this particular context, they vastly underestimate their political pawns. They fail to realize that once Trump and Taylor-Green and cohorts gain dictatorial powers, then those former lackeys will become the masters. To quote Jello Biafra, “In the real fourth reich you’ll be the first to go.” I don’t know what we’ll call it tho. “Night of Long Knives” is too poetic.
If “mildly infuriating” is just a synonym for “annoying” then I’d say this post nails the theme perfectly.
For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemmingway is set during this period. Just a side note.