So, uh: did I get the job?
So, uh: did I get the job?
I agree with the other guy, I’ve done 3 playthroughs of that game on openSUSE tumbleweed with a GTX 1080.
My experience is don’t try and run most games linux native, run them through proton in steam. Far more consistently out of the box working. If you run into any trouble, ProtonDB will have the fix posted 90% of the time
I personally find games to be more glitchy on Wayland, so if you’re picking a compositor and want stability I’d say go X11.
That said, if you want “just works” go Linux Mint. I set my partner up with it near december 2023 and it’s been smooth sailing. And they don’t touch the command line at all
Out of curiosity, which games? Was steam flatpak or from repo?
To anyone who hasnt: do it! I did it a year ago and the only things you cant do are games with kernel level anticheat, but pretty much any of those games arent worth playing in my opinion anyways.
If your standards are low enough
Thankfully sewage is not very hot once it is down in the pipes so they don’t leech out the gross stuff.
Yeah, with their web installer it took like ten minutes with little to no input from the user on a fresh phone.
Yes, you’re correct, customer. The more likely answer is not that I am telling the truth, it is that I get off on being willfully obstinate and making up for problems. I’m out to get you.
abducts a random tree and flies back to space
We must be buying different USB-C cables, then. I’ve been using anker ones for years and havent had a single break like that, and I’m definitely not gentle with mine.
All I know is no matter how careful I was, it would end up not connecting unless it was held at exactly the right angle. I’ve yet to have a single USB-C connector have the issue
Visine is the last thing you want for irritated eyes though. It just constricts the blood vessels in the eye for a cosmetic change but it can have rebound effects after. You’re better off using preservative free artificial tears or dry eye formula eye drops
The person you’re replying to is saying that those breaches of the 4th amendment are less absurd now than they were at the time the comic was written
Any law that you see that you think “Wow, no way they can enforce that! That would get EVERYBODY in trouble” is a law that is intended to be selectively enforced against unwanted people
Because “contarary to national interests” means “any investigation that targets friends of mine”
Its just german, it says “The Mart”
I like FUTO, solid keyboard fully offline with swipe support
Then you call the phone number and its a “helpful” voice chat bot you have to tell your problem to and hope it directs you to the right directory in their convoluted phone tree