My laptop will not allow my to login via GUI since upgrade to fedora 41/GNOME?/mutter47. Works with a New account. I have jet to fix it
memer, linux-user, idk
My laptop will not allow my to login via GUI since upgrade to fedora 41/GNOME?/mutter47. Works with a New account. I have jet to fix it
This is a joke right,? right?
and you could prerecord the stream…
There is blue gatorade and blue gatorade without sugar, they have the same color and thats Bad, i have picked up the wrong one more than once
And for some reason the file Explorer and the Desktop/Taskbar are connected and you can end up with just a black Screen
Windows 11 without a Microsoft-Account = terminal required. Linux Mint = terminal not required.
absolutly, for win 95 there is a xfce (like xubuntu or mint xfce) Theme called “chicago 95”, not sure about 98 tho
Yes, a g4 or g5 i think, had to fix 5 Capacitors, did a good job at 4, the 5th i had to extend with some wire, not ideal. It boots but USB is not recognized / i asume it does not get enough power. I have a Note on my Phone homescreen to “fix the imac (again)” since June
And the 20$ powerpc imac in my room, that i will fix the capacitors when i have time
Well yes, i choose Debian 12 for the background
Not very large, download it, put it on usb with rufus(choose the right Disk, not you C:, ) Start from USB and test without making changes, if the laptop is super New stuff may not work yet on Mint
Distro: “Ubuntu with Bing”
For banking apps: my Bank only has them as 2fa, if you say you don’t have a Smartphone, and give you the same Programm as Windows App eventually, runs great in a win10 VM, the payments are made in there Webportal
Armin, i mean seymour skinner
I have to reset the bios sometimes to Start the PC, its perfectly stable when its on, DDR5 and Intel 13gen what could go wrong
Can you get close to lineageos usage/privacy if you remove most stuff, including play store from a preinstalled Android phone?
i was wondering the same, my pixel 2 has a dying battery
try “Flesh and Blood (1985)” its nasty