I think it’s probably because some chrizzo complained, but I hope they’re actually alluding to paranormal activity
Not a sentient pile of alley cats in a trench coat. You ask a lotta questions.
I think it’s probably because some chrizzo complained, but I hope they’re actually alluding to paranormal activity
I’ll take crisp or cold temps, rain or snow, over boring or hot weather any day. if there was somewhere that had a solid rain 24/7/365 and it was within my means I’d move there in a heartbeat. If was a heartless billionaire I’d have homes in places with rainy/cold weather all around the world so I could chase the enjoyable weather all year.
The phrase “ok slimers” legitimately made me laugh out loud
What I love every time I see this comic is that Alex knew he would be persecuted for his art, and has accepted it.
Their point is they no longer care
I think they’re not being built in most US (and maybe Canadian?) cities because nimbys only want single-family detached houses to be built to preserve their home’s value
least that’s what I’ve gathered from watching youtube videos on urban planning and reading articles
afaik it’s essentially an apartment but you own your domicile, and have a stake in the building as a whole along with the other “tenants” who are also co-owners.
Granddad, you can’t tame the white supremacist power structure with cheese!
She “claimed that she didn’t know the bag belonged to him.” 🙄
She intended to pour water in someone else’s bag several times over a period of months in a targeted harrasment campaign, it’s fine!
aussie slang for american. seppo = septic tank = yank
edit: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/seppo
Seppo is a mildly derogatory Australian slang term for an American, shortened from septic tank.
My Grandpa and I are driving. We pass a cemetery. He nudges my leg, points to the cemetery, and says “Y’know, people’re dying to get in there.”
Same joke, every single time.
I miss my Grandpa
There is… a lot of detail on that butthole
depends whether the price reflects it or it’s an attempt to trick you into paying more for less
Yum, I love air, gums, and stabilizers in my dairy desserts
tbh the extent of my Pauly Shore knowledge is that episode of Futurama where Fry thinks he and his former gf think they’ve been frozen again and it’s a post-apocalyptic year 4000, but it turns out that’s just what LA is like
I love the D
you can quote me on that
would you not just bake inside that thing?
Thought it was a council
real boomer humor, this one