Not using Ventoy in 2025?
Most people don’t know. Of the people that know, most don’t care. Of the people that care, most don’t act. Of the people that act, most fail. Of the people that fail, most don’t learn. Those that do, Those very few, Succeed.
Not using Ventoy in 2025?
It really isn’t.
I don’t want to alarm you but it sounds like someone has been trying to fence you in.
Fallacy of relative privation
I didn’t even get an e-mail. I found out when I went to save an article as usual and there was a little banner at the top of the page.
At least they’ve extended the migration period until November 30.
Oh no not gitlab
Attach the ejector seat TO the helicopter blades so that they both eject and you get a cool propeller and can fly around and it can shoot lasers and stuff too.
Yeah it’s all fun and games until you live with an actual horder.
Loose leaf tea is peak design.
Sure I guess if you can manage to get everything to work in the first place which involves following sixteen different guides across twenty-three different websites all of which with conflicting information.
You should post this to a different instance. Lemmy.world is incapable of facing criticism of the democratic establishment.
Fwow him to the gwound most woughwy centuwion
hopefully switching to micro
Newsweek is a tabloid.