I was curious, so here’s the original post on Stack Overflow: Link (Archive Link)
Also find me at @Notnotmike@beehaw.org and @NotNotMike@notnotlemmy.com
I was curious, so here’s the original post on Stack Overflow: Link (Archive Link)
Yeah, for me part of the fun of Yu-Gi-Oh was having really cool cards in your deck that was a big moment when you summoned them (I was a kid, times were simple)
But now newer decks summon and tribute like 8 monsters in a single turn, it’s outrageous, and if you don’t know every card by heart you’ll just be stun locked trying to figure out why you got destroyed
That’s why I prefer to play legacy decks if at all
I just wish people were less aggressive when arguing on the internet. It just gets so vitriolic and about winning rather than finding the truth
I also hate when people think “downvote = disagree” when that’s really not what we should be using it for. I never down vote in a debate (unless they get rude or offensive) and I always feel bad when someone comes along and down votes the person I’m arguing with! Now they’re going to think it’s me doing it and get angry!
Yeah I personally actually prefer when programs conform to the OS UI as long as the UI is decent (cough Windows 8), it looks a lot more uniform and cohesive
Wow you’re right, he’s the author of the infamous “is-odd” and “is-even” packages. What an odd person.
Someone in the OP PR mentioned the amount of energy used to download these tiny packages and its actually something crazy to think about
The answer is still to adopt. The dogs are coming either from a shelter or a mill and both are good sources for adoption.
The former means it’s still giving a dog a home. It is still a dog that needs a home regardless of which country it originated from.
The latter seems completely nonsense if the German shelters are paying full price and still giving the dogs up for adoption at reasonable rates. They’d be losing a ton of money. And if they’re taking the leftovers from the puppy mills for cheap or free, then those are still losses to the mills and are discouraging more breeding. Also, those are still dogs that need homes regardless of source. Just because a dog was born in a mill doesn’t mean it deserves not to be adopted.
In either case the answer is still to get a dog from a shelter.
CTO of my company was up at 1am this morning in the chats. Pray for the IT department
To be fair, moving to the top allows for much more space for the list of predictions, so there’s at least some benefit to ir
If it’s broken then why no issue being tracked? Is there any issue tracking at all or is it genuinely all through Discord?
I would really recommend using GitHub’s features whenever possible, especially for important information like the status of the Android build. Very few people are keen to join a Discord group to find the status of your code or instructions
The whole thing looks suspicious to me - there are no images of the game, broken English everywhere, tons of contributors but only one open issue. The repo is just odd in a lot of ways and is sending out bad vibes.
Also, the Android instructions make no sense, since there’s no APK in the releases. Unless they somehow bundle that in the source code or Linux zip.
I got excited when I saw this post because I knew someone in the comments would have a solution!
I suspect people just assumed you were the same person who wrote the sarcastic comment before the one you replied to and that you were just being combative
See alcohol I could “get” but Pepsi? Who has a Pepsi addiction
I’m going to rant here because your comment re-ignited my rage.
My family and I have weekly dinners. I drive over there and pass through their neighborhood. They own a successful business so it’s a pretty nice neighborhood with a good median of trees down the main road passing through (still a 25 MPH speed limit). And every week for several years now, there is a discarded Pepsi can in the median. Not the same can, but a new can every week. Someone drives through there, likely multiple times a week and I’m just not there to see it, and throws a Pepsi can in roughly the same spot.
It enrages me. It’s so senseless and selfish that I cannot even fathom a reason. My best justification is that they’re a person who is “sticking it to the rich” by littering in a nice neighborhood, but that’s being extremely generous. I am convinced it’s purposeful because the consistency is staggering. A new can in the same 100 feet of road, every day.
And I know it’s not the same can because if it snows, the snow obscures the cans and the poor hero picking them up can’t see them, so when the snow melts there are several cans littered about.
It genuinely makes me so angry, because it’s so inexplicably terrible. I just hate things I can’t understand. It makes me more angry than Donald Trump because at least with Trump, on some level I get it. I may hate what he’s doing but I can logically see why he’s doing it and that understanding is almost calming, in a sense.
But this? Absolute nonsense. I just cannot see why someone would do this
I used to be really into doing Google Maps and uploading reviews, images, and updating stuff. I got a real sense of community out of it for almost no effort.
But now I’m trying to cut back on Google so much, trying to use Organic Maps more often.
I was also always self-conscious about taking pictures of stuff in a restaurant and eventually couldn’t stomach it anymore.
I feel like you’re weirdly aggro about this discussion. I don’t want my message to come off as criticism or hate, I’m trying to express that I’m concerned about another person. If she really is happier because of her path, then that’s great and more kids should attempt this lifestyle. But I just don’t have enough evidence for that fact, and I would like to hear more. Most of the positive evidence is from a short article.
Right now I have more anecdotal evidence saying this is unhealthy in this comment section than I do the contrary, so I want to be proven wrong. I don’t want to be correct that someone had a bad experience.
Your other questions are answered in the article.
They really aren’t. Of course she’ll say she’s thankful, most people would when talking to a reporter. I don’t imagine many 17 year olds would immediately start bad-mouthing their parents right away, especially considering I’d expect the parents to be present in the interview process since she’s a minor by U.S. standards.
And of course the instructors are complimentary, you’d hear the same compliments about any student who asked questions and went to office hours. They aren’t particularly unique for her experience, frankly. I wouldn’t put too much weight on them being evidence of her happiness.
Perhaps down the road she’ll give an interview and talk about her experience more, once she’s more independent and had more time to process and reflect. Then perhaps my questions will be properly answered. I can only hope so, and I can only hope she reflects positively.
A kid who blew it all on Minecraft missed out on a lot as well if we’re going to be honest.
I never said anything to the contrary. Both can be true, they aren’t mutually exclusive. I would agree spending too much time glued to a screen is also not a healthy lifestyle for a child
We don’t know, and that’s precisely what my comment was talking about. I want to know more.
Although we can use an educated guess that if you’re getting a doctorate you probably don’t have a ton of free time, at least not nearly as much as a normal student her age has. Even if we assume she doesn’t need to study at all, a doctorate still takes up a lot of someone’s time, and doesn’t leave a ton of time for watching cartoons.
I’m really torn on news like this.
I’ll get it out of the way that I am jealous. I wish I had been able to do what she did. I also think that if more people cared about education on this level, we could really get a significantly smarter population and start to solve some of the problems in the world.
Having said that, I have concerns over what her life is like. I would need a lot more details to feel comfortable that this kind of lifestyle is healthy for someone. She missed out on most of her childhood at this point, a time most adults look back on fondly as a time when they had no responsibilities. I have so many follow-up questions that the article doesn’t address.
Also, more for my curiosity than anyone else’s well-being:
Commonly called a “refillery” in the US if that helps people search for their local options