Use unidentifiable backgrounds or remove them in post. I’d suggest small patches of sand, dirt or grass, walls, etc. Avoid anything that can be found on a map like mountains (and other large scale topography), buildings, power lines, etc.
Use unidentifiable backgrounds or remove them in post. I’d suggest small patches of sand, dirt or grass, walls, etc. Avoid anything that can be found on a map like mountains (and other large scale topography), buildings, power lines, etc.
Or a complier that tells me when I mispell a variable in an assignment or use the wrong type for something.
What is this community about again?
Using Linux with obscure hardware (CNC mills, chromatographs, etc) is a bit like punching yourself in the nuts, but still free.
Does your car lock up outside of cell coverage? I’m not suggesting removing the radios themselves, just the antennas. To the car, it will just always be out of range.
The antenna used for talking to the keys might cause trouble, but those are either inherently short range inductive systems or are receivable using a 20$ RTL SDR to verify it’s not sending anything else.
Should be quite easy to remove any WiFi/cellular/satellite antennas from the car’s computer. (Might be trace/chip antennas, so make sure to get those). If you’re extra paranoid, get the GPS antenna too, so it can’t simply record data indefinitely.
Might take a few hours to go through the car to make sure you get everything, but you won’t be limited to super old cars.
Just add a delay that pads it out the execute time to 10 seconds. O(1) ez.
I reserve .elf for executables for other platforms, like microcontroller firmware.
You people realize that most crypto is even less private? Every transaction ever can be viewed by everyone, forever, by design.
Sure, a crypto wallet might not have your name on it when created, but good luck buying or selling any without giving away your identity.
Na let’s keep timezones, there useful for humans who generally want time to mean something, but lets ditch daylight savings time, all it does is make scheduling a massive pain twice a year, and messes up everyone’s sleep cycle. Without it, timezones would just be a fixed offset from another, minimizing trouble.
Don’t forget the loss of productivity in the hours before the meeting, spent worrying about it.
Hot take, C is better then C++. It really just has one unique footgun, pointers, which can be avoided most of the time. C++ has lots of (smart)pointer related footguns, each with their own rules.
This is actually how you should declare something that you will never change, but something might change externally, like an input pin or status register.
Writing to it might do something completely different or just crash, but you also don’t want the compiler getting creative with reads; You don’t want the compiler optimizing out a check for a button press because the “constant” value is never changed.
If you don’t bother to provide any argument, I won’t bother to argue.
Here is what to do, use a script to delete everything from the sub and then delete the sub. If thry dont care about you, dont let them take yoyr sub and contiue making money.
They found debugging commands that can be used to access the memory of the device over USB. This is as much a backdoor as any device that runs unsigned firmware
Unless you store secret files on your Bluetooth dongle, you shouldn’t have to worry about this.