The US uses chip and signature, no joke, because the banks didn’t think people could remember another PIN.
The US uses chip and signature, no joke, because the banks didn’t think people could remember another PIN.
This is an EMVCo chip card, and not an American one so it’s chip and pin most likely. Without getting too detailed, the chip generates a one time use code for each transaction, so just having the number wouldn’t help with cloning the card plus you also would need to know the PIN. Although skimmers still exist and physical card theft is a thing, it’s less common especially in markets that use chip and pin.
It’s the computing equivalent of muscle cars
It’s the computing equivalent of muscle cars
The verge does this thing where they republish the same article with different headlines over and over which results in this. They also do these “preview” articles before the actual reviews I’m assuming to “maximize engagement.”
It’s worth “comparison shopping” with search engines. Run some common queries on multiple engines and see which ones fit what you like. Google takes up a lot of the mindshare for sure, but there are absolutely other options that will probably surprise you with how good they are.
Not even going to read the article but I’m going to go with “no, no they didn’t earn the price hike.” To me, to “earn” a price hike means new features or better functionality with the current platform, not just spamming me with mediocre content. Give me higher bitrate streaming, lossless audio, better ways to organize my watchlist, better desktop/laptop experience, etc, then MAYBE it’ll be worth paying a bit more to me.
Taking a page from Apple’s book. The settings part of iOS has “warnings” if you aren’t using Apple add on services.
On one hand, sure just a meme. On the other, it may not be ADHD that’s causing these symptoms and getting a professional diagnosis will help with treatment regardless of what’s going on.
Miss that era and wish that there were more options for PCI “premium” sound cards. All of the fancy DACs and audio interfaces are seemingly USB.
Wonder Showzen had some wild segments but was easily one of the most subversive shows on television.
There’s additional tools for e-commerce transactions like 3DSecure (step up authentication like an OTP) and passive identity verification tools.