Thank you for citing your meme!
Thank you for citing your meme!
Forward swept wings so it can maneuver faster, you’re just looking at it the wrong way
The tweet for those curious
Don’t say Hess to Nazi accusations! Some people will Goebbels anything down! Stop Gőring your enemies! His pronouns would’ve been He/Himmler! Bet you did nazi that coming,”
You said nobody gives a shit, people won’t shut up about it, ergo people do give a shit.
People fight on gun rights all the time tho… Have you been living under a rock?
No offense but you are not American, who is us?
Right here, what do you want?
We already use different fluids for different power cycles, for example organic rankine cycles or just power cycles that use organic fluids are good for low temperature heat sources like low temp geothermals
The US is a successful country and has almost always been at war.
Britain at its peak was holding 10s of countries at gunpoint.
Violence works best if you are much much stronger than the other party.
Does the pope shit in the woods
Damn audie Murphy you’re still alive?
Fewer people, less drama (other way around)
What you are saying is not true. It’s not likely at all that they were encouraged by Israeli agents. In Israel/Palestine there is no “real enemy” the real enemy is the other side full stop. It’s not like in the USA or the rest of the world where you could make an argument based on class warfare. This is a feud going back centuries, if the entire social system and modern world collapsed, Muslims Christians and Jews would still be fighting over Jerusalem and Palestine
To set up for the joke
I think there may be physical buttons for those fans
The DNC spent an absolute fuck ton of money, it’s not chump change at all.