First time I encountered one was in the Helsinki airport at like 5am. I definitely stared at it for a solid 30 seconds trying to figure out what to do with it. And I may have just wiped my hands on my pants and walked away in the end.
First time I encountered one was in the Helsinki airport at like 5am. I definitely stared at it for a solid 30 seconds trying to figure out what to do with it. And I may have just wiped my hands on my pants and walked away in the end.
Hopefully she also gives us courage to do the same.
It’s simple, just get the company to create a list of all the people in the last 3 years who died after being denied healthcare. And then stare in horror at the list and decide that maybe the world is a slightly better place this afternoon and we should tear down the whole company and all their ilk.
If only he had sat them down and explained that on November 4th
Your plan is certainly quicker, which is an upside.
I’m glad the new owners decided to increase rodent pest control, leading to less food for stray cats to eat in the area.
I’m getting closer every fucking day, proportional to how increasingly little I feel like I belong here.
I believe there was a gathering a couple years ago that quite proudly proclaimed “We are all domestic terrorists”, maybe we should start there.