Oh yes, I remember this. Duke assessed the river bed and determined that a cleanup could cause more damage and would be super expensive. So they did no cleanup AND increased rates.
Oh yes, I remember this. Duke assessed the river bed and determined that a cleanup could cause more damage and would be super expensive. So they did no cleanup AND increased rates.
I’m with you - the nostalgia is fun. I installed https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95 as a joke, and I’m still using it a year later…
It’s a fair question, if you haven’t gone through it. I agree: it seems ridiculous!
I grew up surrounded by authority figures who didn’t have a nuanced understanding of mental health. I internalized being called “lazy” and “a procrastinator,” because everyone told me that I was choosing to be bad at managing my time and focus!
I believed this right into the upper management of a tech company in my 30s. And I’d get down on myself constantly for zoning out during meetings and being overwhelmed at long-term complex tasks. “Wow I’m so lazy and unmotivated,” I’d think to myself in between client meetings. For years.
A friend showed me the ADHD symptoms (probably after I zoned out for the thousandth time), and it was a shock and how closely they described my childhood, schooling, and professional and social life.
Some people do just fine with their coping mechanisms - I discovered that I had quite a few! But I made the choice to seek medication. Taking it was like breathing air for the first time.
So that’s what I was doing.