Counter counter point Muppet Palpatine
Counter counter point Muppet Palpatine
Literally all movies in existence would be improved if there were Muppets in them
No, I don’t remember anything remotely like that.
Than you ever hope to be.
Santa Barbra murder capital of the world!
No it’s not. There are so many comparable pictures out there today. You can just look at them next to each other.
Even if they were, not exactly a compliment.
It’s going to be really awesome when we can all see first hand how teeth will be the new way to distinguish between rich and poor. Cuz even if this works most of us won’t be able to afford it
For the first time? We grew up with this show.
Or basically any of the neoliberals that have dominated the Democratic party for the last 40 years.
The king of Rohan seem pretty damn happy with it
They got it, they’re just playing dumb because this is what they want.
It’s amazing that they caved on this, I’m not going to guarantee they would have won but it seems very easy to argue. They have the judge’s own words to back up their reporting. They have the definition of rape from basically every other state. They can have myriads of witnesses to argue about a common colloquial definition of a word. Again I wouldn’t say Ironclad but with how hard it is to prove defamation I have trouble seeing how they would have lost. They just straight up kowtowed. This is basically a bribe. Or maybe a tribute is the better word.
No, most people are not okay with it. We don’t live in a theocracy. It ain’t normal. Stop trying to normalize it.
Christian practices have nothing to do with the idea of a CEO telling you to fast and pray. That’s not normal. You can dance around it all you want but it’s fucking weird.
The CEO of a company asking his employees to fast and pray with them is absolutely not the majority culture nor is it normal. That’s fucking weird. This guy is a loon
Please please please tell me that they’re actually is a President Obama’s list of top movies for women from 2017 though.
The rest of y’all really not have a few manifestos just laying around?
Ain’t just the ladies
Yeah at my Christmas one of them sat down, turned to me, and said so what did you think of the election? Bastard.
Had an aunt tell me that a huge, huge, part of this election was the topic of liberals telling people they could no longer breastfeed they had to call it chest feed. They said it was a massive part of the election cycle. Where the fuck did that one come from?