Makes me wonder if there are any cyphers that are easy enough that human meat could implement it but hard enough that it would take some serious GPU time to crack?
Makes me wonder if there are any cyphers that are easy enough that human meat could implement it but hard enough that it would take some serious GPU time to crack?
Computers are hard, can everyone go back to unobfuscated telephone calls and handwritten letters?
doesn’t get sick
Oh machines get sick and then the real costs appear. (Am an electrician, I play doctor on automated machines, sometimes a human is cheaper when the whole plant stops for a $200 part that is not in stock)
There was a Defcon talk a few years ago (oh god it was 8 years ago) where someone found a way mess with Chryslers because they were all on the Sprint wireless network. Things like lock out the physical controls on the radio then max out the volume, or turn it into a GPS tracker, or disable the brakes! The cars had some service listening on port 6667, there was no way to stop them from accepting malicious connections so Sprint just blocked all traffic on that port on their network at the request of Chrysler. The speaker mentioned they were sorry if you were unable to use IRC any more on Sprint wireless.
DEF CON 23 - Charlie Miller & Chris Valasek - Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle
“File Browser” or “Sharry” allow you to make public links to share files with others BUT you need to run them on a server that is accessible to both parties.
The time that product spends on the shelves of a Canadian Tire is just a layover before its permanent move to a landfill. They are Coors quality at Heineken prices.