Would that not be 113?
Would that not be 113?
Considering insurance, and medical facilities negotiate to set their costs every year, I don’t trust that their profit is so low.
I don’t disagree with you. We can’t simply replace insurance companies with a public version and expect everything to be okay. But Medicare and Medicaid seem to work really well for a lot of people. They can simply expand it, and then private insurance can still exist as a supplement if someone wants.
But what we really need is more regulation, everywhere, on almost all industries.
Gotta kill citizens United, and make superpacs illegal. When money gets out of politics, is when we’ll finally see some change.
It’s self fulfilling though. Doctors offices are at the whims of their agreements with the insurance companies to stay afloat. They pad the bill (charging maximum for everything) because the insurance company will only pay percentages on most procedures. Then they usually write off the rest (or close to it). Doctors are incentivized to prescribe certain drugs over others, and other such meddling.
Healthcare costs are as high as they are specifically because of private insurance. The evidence is in every single other developed country that has state-provided healthcare. It’s overall cheaper, and often better.
Insurance companies default to denying claims because they know, if the barrier is high enough (denial after denial), people will simply stop asking for the procedure (or whatever), so they don’t have to pay anything. Then their earnings go up, and they pad their pockets.
Side note, I believe the mythbusters did double dipping, and as I recall, it’s really not a problem unless you stir or leave the chip in the dip/salsa for an extended period.
I like a big salsa to chip ratio, so I break the chip into smaller pieces (usually 2) and dip/scoop each one. No double dip, good salsa to chip ratio.
Perhaps, wishful thinking I know… But perhaps, this will give the next CEO some slight pause when considering screwing over millions of people for the financial gain of already rich people. PERHAPS, now that there’s a tangible consequence for being a greedy murderous asshat, they’ll think twice… Probably not, but I can hope.
While yes, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to enjoy cute fat baby tiger pics if OP didn’t share the task
My wife has an apple watch, I assumed he was talking about those circles.
Sorry to hear that, but good for you for making that decision.
Yeah, especially since the majority of imprisoned people tend to be non-white (this is an issue with our justice system, I’m absolutely not saying non-whites do more crime, only they’re convicted far more often due to a racist system. A great many are innocent.) this will turn into 1 to 1 a facsimile of slavery from yesteryear. Bunch of white landowners leasing cheap labor (suspiciously predominantly non-white) from people who have no other legal options. Gross.
Most illegals came in legally, and let their visa expire
I sincerely hope this happens, but Israel owns our current administration, and apparently the US has veto power on the UN, which seems like a dumb idea.
Or more bombs, if you know what I mean 😳
No idea how this is related to my comment
This isn’t exactly corollary.
FB isn’t just selling ad space, they’re literally selling user data, often to adversarial countries.
Radio could never do that, and tv only could if you had a paid service like cable or satellite.
If y’all still have gmails, take a look at proton mail.
Yeah, NGL, couldn’t follow what they were trying to say in that one.
I just searched “do maple trees have a tap root”, ai overview says yes. Literally all other reputable sources say no 🙄
Someone who’s seemingly an illegal immigrant by recent thinkings