Very poorly
Very poorly
You stated a claim, the burden of proof is on you! Nice logical fallacy there.
Also yes Pew did.
I hate to tell you this but we live in a dystopic world. The majority of Americans have the worst foreign policy and support the MI complex. We vehemently hate Arabic peoples and others from that region. And we really only support israel for our own imperialist needs. Look at the right’s contempt for Jewish people but praise and support of thr state of Israel.
A cool trans Linux enthusiast who used to work at Linus Media Group. She hadn’t transitioned or even realized she was trans for most of her time there.
She’s really down to Earth, is obviously at least a bit open minded to have transitioned, and presents topics really well.
You’d go for the right wing kook then
Hey! Same. I can’t find any medicine in this entire city. Howard Brown told me to just try different pharmacies, so not very helpful
Go back to posts about the last time they tried and look at the comments predicting this would happen.
It’s scary how persistent they are to pass it
Missing a half assed serrated mess on one side
When did we possibly have anarchy before law? Genuinely
Yes. It’s why here’s there.
Notice how they put him as soon as Trump started denying project 25. Perhaps all bullshit for the public but maybe not all bs. The Heritage Foundation might have actually gotten a bit spooked and put in a good yes man like Vance.
Jdownloader is also good, as well as wget. If you’re on Android, you can try Seal or 1DM.
Hey look guys! It’s opposing genocide! So radical
And yet gen z despite being the queerest generation yet, gorges themselves there. Mindless consumerism
what a weird insult
I’m guessing they think that they’re wealthy because they make 250k but they are squarely middle class, and even then what matters more is that they are working class.
I have a routine that unless my phone is connected to my wifi, it turns off biometrics and only uses pattern.
If you live in the USA, the cops can now legally force you to unlock your phone using biometrics. And I mean I guess they can also illegally (and whose gonna stop them) force you to open your phone with a passcode or pattern as well. But it’s a lot easier for them to hold your finger on a scanner or your phone to your face than make you type in the code.
I watched a video yesterday on Biden’s terms to step down, posted 16 min before. Then I look to the suggested videos and there’s one from 4 minutes ago that he had contracted covid. Not laughing at him getting sick, but the actual irony and humor of the situation was so funny.
South American countries too
Quick correction. The warp was turned from a calm reflection of reality into hell not by the modern galaxy but the war in heaven which took place at some starting point up to around 68 million years ago. The Aeldari certaintly did not help the warp by birthing Slaanesh but the vast damage done to the warp was done by a conflict so vast it makes the modern fighting look like a water gun fight.